OOC Villainess - Ch 020

Title: The OOC Villainess and the White Moonlight Heroine are BFFs
Translator: Little Bamboo Spirit

Chapter 20 - As you wish (1)

The next morning, Yue Xia politely knocked on Jiang Shuyao's bedroom door. "Are you up?"

The system was surprised that Yue Xia would still seek Jiang Shuyao out when she knew that Shi Qingyin would come to pick a fight with her soon.

Jiang Shuyao had the day off today. She was neatly dressed and somewhat surprised. "What's up?"

She was used to waking up early, but Yue Xia didn't get out of bed until 10 AM.

"You have today off," Yue Xia calmly said, "Let's go play!"

It was rare for Jiang Shuyao to repeatedly hear the words "go play" from an adult. Even though she had heard Yue Xia saying "go play" yesterday, she still found her confident playfulness quite cute. She turned sideways so that Yue Xia could enter the room.

"Where do you want to go?"

"Boxing gym." Vibrating with energy, Yue Xia stretched her hand out. "How about it?!"

Jiang Shuyao blankly looked at her. "...?"

[What are you up to? Wouldn't it be better to clear things up with her, throw her to Shi Qingyin, and go back to causing havoc? You haven't progressed at all in your career either.] The system kept nagging. [Even if you really want to go out to have fun, just go shopping and drink tea with your friends. Why do you always want to go to strange places?]

Yue Xia: [Has no one complained before that you talk too much?]

[No.] The system was well-behaved. [You're my first host.]

[Oh, I see.] Yue Xia got the information she wanted and began to calmly trick the system. [You don't understand. This is my strategy. The first step is to build a good relationship with the white moonlight. This way, when the truth finally comes out, it'll be easier for her anger to peak towards me and the male protagonist. This will quickly advance the plot in a reasonable way. Do you understand now?]

The system was confused. [So… it's like that?]

Yue Xia: [Nope, it's all lies. ~>v<☆]

The system: [?]

It took Yue Xia less than half a minute to mess with the system. During that time, Jiang Shuyao had gotten over her surprise and accepted going to a boxing gym. With a distressed look, she said,"I only brought dresses and skirts…"

Yue Xia slowly raised her head. "If we're talking about this, I'm not sleepy anymore."


One hour later.

Jiang Shuyao was sitting in the car and covering her collar in embarrassment. "Is it really okay for me to wear this?"

Yue Xia was once again dressed like a cavewoman that was going out to scavenge. Hearing Shuyao's question, she turned her head. "What's wrong with what you're wearing?"

Jiang Shuyao's outfit wasn't outrageous. It was merely skin-tight sportswear. The black pants showed off her long, slender legs. Her usually loose hair was tied up in a high ponytail. Yue Xia had so much fun playing dress up that she even put a pair of sunglasses on Shuyao.

Jiang Shuyao almost couldn't recognize herself in the mirror. She knew that she couldn't wear a skirt to a boxing gym and borrowing Yue Xia's clothing was a better option than buying a pair of pants, but still…

She only hesitated for a mere three seconds, and Yue Xia started speaking in a tearful voice, "I know, I understand. You can tell the truth. I don't have a good fashion sense. I know that, but I really tried my best-"

Startled, Jiang Shuyao hastily went over. "No, of course not! I'm just not used to it. This looks good, really!"

The driver in front was focused on driving and pretended to not hear anything. He silently thought; that Miss Yue, she's up to no good again…

Yue Xia had chosen a high-end membership-only boxing gym that was only open a few hours a day by special reservation. Of course, she was using Yue Qing's membership card.

The personal trainer was a blond foreigner. He enthusiastically praised Jiang Shuyao's outfit. "Very cool! It suits you!"

Jiang Shuyao's face turned as red as a tomato again. "Ah, thank you, no, it's not…"

Yue Xia wasn't that interested in boxing. She just remembered hearing that modern people need an outlet for negative emotions.

She glanced at Jiang Shuyao, who was communicating with the trainer in fluent English. Shuyao was always worrying about this and that and self-consciously moderating her words based on other people's expressions. She hoped that Shuyao would be more relaxed in this less social setting.

So, it was quite remarkable that the overly considerate Jiang Shuyao was able to muster up the courage to ask her if she could stay for a few more days.

As Yue Xia put on the boxing gloves, she thought that even the most self-centered person would start to reflect on their behavior after spending time with Shuyao! Really! She reflected that it was inappropriate for her to bring Shuyao to a nightclub!

Yue Xia could remember her grudges back to when only paramecium existed, but her self-reflection only lasted seven seconds. Soon, she began to happily punch the sandbags with Jiang Shuyao. As a forgetful person, she lived life happily.

Time passed quickly.

Jiang Shuyao wasn't used to it at first, but she quickly started to enjoy the exercise. She felt sweat dripping down her cheeks, and her vision felt exceptionally clear. No one was speaking. Yue Xia had gone off somewhere. The only sound in the quiet room was her intermittent breathing. It felt as if only this small place existed in the world.

Although she was panting, her mood calmed down during the repetitive action of punching the sandbag. Her mind felt blissfully blank.

… Although less than a month had passed since the engagement party, she had experienced many new things since then.

It wasn't just that she had gone to new places and seen new things. It was something that she couldn't quite describe yet.

She could only vaguely say that she was feeling peaceful and happy. She even greedily hoped that this could last forever. That -

"Shuyao! What are you doing here?!" A familiar voice with suppressed anger shattered her calm mood. She turned her head in panic and saw Shi Qingyin standing nearby with an ugly expression. Shen Yu and his other friends were standing behind him with varying expressions.

Jiang Shuyao blankly stopped her hand and instinctively cowered. "I…"

She felt like she had been yanked back into reality.

[Ding! Attention! The protagonists appeared in the same scene. Please seize this opportunity to complete your task!]

[In order to avoid a plot deviation, we'll make an exception and list out your tasks:

  • Let Jiang Shuyao find out the host's relationship with Shi Qingyin.

  • Change Shi Qingyin's current favorable impression of you. Make him hate you out of disgust.]

"I brought her here." Yue Xia approached Jiang Shuyao from behind. "Do you have a problem with that?"

Shi Qingyin looked like he was about to shoot fire from his eyes.

…. Finally, after a fortnight, the show was about to start again.

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