OOC Villainess - Ch 021

Title: The OOC Villainess and the White Moonlight Heroine are BFFs
Translator: Little Bamboo Spirit

Chapter 21 - As you wish (2)

Shi Qingyin felt like he was about to lose control of his temper.

He was feeling uncomfortable because his hangover wasn't gone yet. When he heard that Yue Xia and Jiang Shuyao were here, he rushed over. He didn't expect to see such a scene.

He already couldn't accept that Jiang Shuyao went to a nightclub yesterday. And now, she was wearing skin-tight clothing. Who was behind this?

If a woman wasn't girlfriend, then he thought the less she wore, the better, but he didn't want anyone looking at his girlfriend. Jiang Shuyao dressed modestly, so he never had to worry about her. She had only been out of his sight for a short period of time, and she had become like this.

Yue Xia must be the culprit.

"Shuyao, come here." Shi Qingyin tried his best to make his voice sound less scary. "Go pack your stuff and come back with me."

"Don't be angry." Jiang Shuyao instinctively explained. "I borrowed the clothes from Yue Xia because I didn't bring sportswear…"

Hearing that she was still making an excuse for Yue Xia, Shi Qingyin impatiently interrupted her, "Why didn't you just go buy your own? When have I ever not been generous with you?!"

Jiang Shuyao didn't say anything anymore. She silently shook her head.

Yue Xia had been annoyed with this b*stard for a long time. "Why are you yelling? Are you renting vocal cords for the first time?"

Shi Qingyin turned his head. "What does this have to do-"

"What does this have to do with you?" Yue Xia interrupted him. Wasn't this just a competition of who could speak louder? She aggressively said, "Did I put my clothes on you? Does glancing at it diminish your masculinity or shorten your lifespan?"

Shi Qingyin: "..."

Shen Yu, who was dragged into this fight for no reason, widened his eyes in shock. Was this the Yue Xia that he knew? How could she speak to Shi Qingyin like this?

Shi Qingyin didn't want to continue talking to Yue Xia. He said in a deep voice, "Shuyao, let's go."

Yue Xia: "Can't you see that she doesn't want to?"

"What?" Shi Qingyin looked at Jiang Shuyao and asked. "You don't want to?"

Jiang Shuyao wanted to say something, but then she hesitated. She clenched her fist, but in the end, she didn't say anything. She lowered her head and looked at the ground to express that she agreed with Yue Xia.

Shi Qingyin felt like his veins were throbbing and his heart was burning with anger.

Jiang Shuyao had never refused any of his requests before.

He didn't show any of his displeasure and only coldly said, "The engagement party failed due that sudden mishap. A lot of people have misunderstood. Many people of the appropriate age have sent my mother invitations…"

Jiang Shuyao raised her head in panic. "That's not what I meant…"

"I don't want to hear excuses." Shi Qingyin said, "You don't want to go back with me? Or is a person that you've known for less than a month more important than me? Well?"

Jiang Shuyao anxiously said, "... That's not it!"

Yue Xia felt like her blood pressure was almost at 180.

[Why can this idiot be the male protagonist? I want to punch his stupid head!]

She really didn't understand. If she had known this was going to happen, she would have brought her dad along. [It's only been five minutes since we started talking, and my desire to kill him has already reached the eighth level. His only good point is that he's useful for treating low blood pressure.]

[... Host, you can't hurt him!] The system quickly comforted her. [Your task, your task is important.]

Jiang Shuyao took off her boxing gloves and handed them to the coach. Before leaving, she lowered her eyes and squeezed the back of Yue Xia's hand.

Jiang Shuayo's hand was cold, and Yue Xia's hand was warm. It was only a brief touch, and that tiny bit of transmitted warmth would quickly disappear.

Jiang Shuyao suddenly felt bad and embarrassed. She whispered, "Sorry." She didn't know why she felt bad or why she apologized.

She didn't expect that in the following moment, Yue Xia would hold her hand and whisper back, "You haven't let me down."

Then who did she let down? Had she let herself down?

She turned to exit and left Shi Qingyin standing there. Her gaze shifted to Yue Xia as walked away.

Shi Qingyin was really angry this time. The atmosphere was gloomy as if a storm was about to come. He slowly said in a warning tone, "Enough is enough."

He wasn't worried that Yue Xia had told Jiang Shuyao about their past. He could fool her by saying a few white lies after they went back. He couldn't tolerate that Yue Xia would use such methods to besmirch him. Her methods were so shameless and petty.

"Don't waste your energy." Shi Qingyin repeated his earlier words. "Shuyao is different from you."

Shuyao wasn't the type of girl that someone could casually play with. She deserved someone's genuine love, but other women didn't.

Yue Xia also looked at him. She crossed her arms and said, "You seem so sure that victory is within your grasp."

"I've known her for several years," Shi Qingyin said, "She doesn't have any secrets from me."

Yue Xia replied, "But you're keeping an awful lot of secrets from her."

Shi Qingyin frankly answered, "It's better for her to not know certain things."

"Really?" Yue Xia casually dropped a trump card. "Does that include the rotten things you did as a student to stage a hero rescuing a damsel act?"

Shi Qingyin's pupils dilated. "You…!"

It was precisely because Jiang Shuyao didn't keep any secrets from him that he knew he couldn't gloss over that matter.

The mood froze. Shi Qingyin stared at her. His expression looked unpredictable and even a bit scary.

The system was worried that Yue Xia was under too much pressure, so it kindly came online. [Host, don't be afraid. The novel framework can't be changed. The male protagonist won't use physical violence against a woman.]

Yue Xia was preoccupied with glaring. [That's great.]

Yue Xia had something over him. No matter how stupid Shi Qingyin was, he knew he had to use discretion. After a long silence, he softened his tone. "What happened before was an error in our communication, which led to your misunderstanding."

Yue Xia: "Oh?"

Shi Qingyin: "Our time together was happy, but once the opportunity is missed, it's gone. There's no need to force it. Isn't it better for us to go our separate ways?"

A shadow moved on the other side of the door. There was the sound of barely audible departing footsteps.

The system notified: [Current phase's task #1: Let Jiang Shuyao find out the host's relationship with Shi Qingyin is complete.]

Yue Xia blinked.

Shi Qingyin was impatient when he didn't get the response he wanted, but he still concluded in the usual manner. "It's my fault. It's normal for you to be angry. Umm, what can I do to relieve your anger? Will you feel better if you hit me?"

Yue Xia: "That could work."

Shi Qingyin forced himself to smile. "I'm okay with that."

He naturally wouldn't take a woman's angry words seriously. How could Yue Xia possibly bear to hit him? Even if she really hit him, her slap would be as light as a mosquito bite. It would be worth getting slapped if she stopped fixating on their past relationship and let bygones be bygones.

Sure enough, Yue Xia hesitated. "Are you serious?"

Shi Qingyin waved his hand. "Of course."

Yue Xia swayed. "Are you sure?"

Shi Qingyin: "I'm sure."

Yue Xia confirmed a third time. "You agreed to this."

Shi Qingyin: "I agreed."

[The opportunity to complete the task has come.] Yue Xia hastily switched to talking to the system. [System! Help me quickly gather strength!]

One moment Shi Qingyin was planning on saying some suitable words for the occasion before leaving, and in the next second, his perspective suddenly changed.

He changed from a stationary person to a flying spinning top.

Shen Yu, who had been standing on the side with no sense of existence, had been watching Shi Qingyin talking on and on. In the next moment, he saw Yue Xia slapping Shi Qingyin across the room. He was so stunned that he thought he was hallucinating. "?!"



Shi Qingyin rolled on the ground five times before the pain struck. His vision was dark, and he couldn't see anything. In his dazed state, he heard Yue Xia calmly say, "As you wish."

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