OOC Villainess - Ch 019

Title: The OOC Villainess and the White Moonlight Heroine are BFFs
Translator: Little Bamboo Spirit

Chapter 19 - You're wrong (2)

After returning home and saying goodnight to Jiang Shuyao, Yue Xia went to the living room. She noticed that Yue Qing and Yue Deliang were looking at her with strange gazes.

Yue Qing: "You're not really…"

Yue Deliang: "It's fine as long as you're happy."

Yue Xia: "?"

Yue Xia calmly said, "Please stop overthinking things. We're just friends."

Yue Qing definitely didn't believe her. "What bad thing are you up to now? Where were you earlier?"

Yue Xia always spoke truthfully. "Ye Xiang."

Yue Qing knew about this place. He furrowed his brow in displeasure. "You went looking for Shi Qingyin again? And you brought Jiang Shuyao with you?"

"Why do you think I went to Ye Xiang to look for Shi Qingyin?" Yue Xia said: "We went there to see pole dancing. Tonight was the annual competition. Did you guys not see the advertisement for it?"

Yue Qing: "..."

Yue Deliang: "..."

Yue Deliang calmly said, "You might as well go there to look for Shi Qingyin."

Yue Xia ignored him and looked around. "Where's Mom?"

"Are you talking about that mahjong fanatic?" Yue Qing leaned back on the sofa, picked up the remote, and changed the channel. "She's been playing since noon. She says she won't come back until she wins back her chips.

"No way. She bet that much money?" Yue Xia gasped.

"That's not it." Yue Qing paused. It was difficult for him to say this aloud." Each chip is only 50 cents."

Yue Xia: "?"

Got it. It was her dignity at stake.

Since the system was still away for an emergency meeting, Yue Xia simply picked up a few oranges and snacked on them while taking her phone out to check on the latest situation. She found out that the world was as chaotic as ever. She was labeled as either a simp or a schemer. The comments under her social media account had changed from "Are you dreaming again?" to "Why aren't you posting? Where else would I find something to laugh at?"

There was also an angry message from an unknown number.

[What do you mean by standing me up? And you blocked me!]

She could almost feel the other person spraying spit through the screen.

【Yue Xia】: I didn't agree to meet you. How can it be considered standing you up?

【Shen Yu】: Did you think I was lying when I said Shi Qingyin would come? It's true I used that to trick you before, but I was being honest today. Don't blame me later for the missed opportunity to see Shi Qingyin. And why did you block me? Is it because you climbed up to Lin Shu?

Yue Xia: "..."

He was so annoying. He was the type of person that thought even the sun revolved around him.

Before blocking the new number, she indifferently replied back.

【Yue Xia】: What do you want to do? It's such a big matter. How about you call the police?

【Shen Yu】: ???

After scrolling through her phone, Yue Xia deeply sighed. It felt like she was going against the world.

As soon as she looked up, she saw Yue Deliang awkwardly looking at her. She blinked and asked, "What's wrong?"

Yue Deliang had a stern face. When he wasn't smiling, he looked a bit scary. He slowly asked, "Are the things between you and that Shi kid true?"

The mood suddenly became heavy.

Yue Xia was a bit worried he was going to scold her. "Yeah."

Yue Deliang: "..."

After five seconds passed in silence, Yue Deliang stood up. It was like watching an iron golem standing up. He took down a decorative ancient sword from the living room wall. He was overflowing with murderous intent and looked like he was one second away from going out to behead Shi Qingyin.

Yue Qing hastily said, "Dad, don't-"

Yue Xia understood. Even if the world was against her, her dad would always be on her side.

[Ding.] The system came back online at the right moment and anxiously said: [I have something to report!]

Yue Xia: [Who's filing a report against me now?]

[Although Shi Yunjian seemed like a BUG, he's been identified as a hidden character.] The system was quite perplexed. [This sort of role hasn't been seen before. However, this explains why we failed in our missions in the past. It's because there are variables that we're not aware of, which leads to errors.]

Yue Xia didn't want to expose it, but she still said: [You just don't want to admit that I'm behind those failures.]

[Shut up!] The system angrily said out of incompetence. [It's clearly his fault! If he wasn't the one to take the male protagonist away tonight, the conflict would have happened.]

Yue Xia looked down on the system. [Can't you have the demeanor of a system?]

Alright, since Shi Yunjian was a character in the novel, she might as well go look up his information than rely on the system. She looked up his name online and was greeted with lengthy search results that showcased his achievements. OMG, he was too much. Was he even human?

The system sighed and couldn't hold a grudge. [Sure enough, he's worthy of being a hidden character.]

[He's a top-notch domineering CEO] Yue Xia also sighed. [I feel like he's the type of person that would have been instantly wiped out by the world consciousness if he dared to eat rice noodles at a breakfast stall during his school days.]

The system: [...]

It couldn't figure out why she always came up with these strange analogies.

[It's time to report Host #001's progress this past week.] The system said: [Plot completeness: 0, plot plausibility: +1, relationship progress between the protagonists: -20, sadness level: -10, humor level: +10… What's the point of humor in a melodramatic novel? The story is in complete shambles!]

Yue Xia: [You're blaming me?]

[No, it's my fault. I shouldn't have punished you.] The system humbly said: [Shi Qingyin will lash out at you for taking Jiang Shuyao to a nightclub. It'll be a peak period for plot points to occur. Let's get along and work together, okay?]

Yue Xia: [Got it.]

The system: [Also, we don't know what's up with that hidden character… You have to be as cautious as possible. In the past, there was a host who was discovered, and that person's outcome was miserable.]

Yue Xia: [Got it.]

[Although… doesn't Shi Yunjian fit the requirements for the physical attributes you mentioned before?] The system forgot how it had suffered and optimistically said: [What do you think?]

[Outer appearance is a lie.] Yue Xia decisively answered: [If a soldier is a coward, then his general can't be any good either. How could a man that has the same father as Shi Qingyin be any good?! ]


At the same time, in the Shi's home, brotherly affections didn't exist.

Shi Yunjian roughly dropped Shi Qingyin onto the wooden floor. Shi Qingyin rolled over a few times and clutched his head in pain. "Ugh…"

Shi Yunjian had no interest in taking care of a drunkard. He took the hot towel that the housekeeper hastily brought over. He felt a bit off and frowned.

He had been blown by the wind along the way home, and the wet fabric on his chest felt uncomfortable. He patted his shirt dry with the towel and was about to go upstairs to shower and change clothes. He heard Shi Qingyin mumbling. "Yue Xia… You… "

The image of her lively, beautiful eyes suddenly appeared in Shi Yunjian's mind again.

He had known about her for a long time. If he was asked to describe her facial features, he wouldn't be able to do it. It was just that he had seen her a lot lately. Every time he saw her, she was up to no good, so… she was memorable.

Shi Qingyin was still muttering. "Just you wait… You're finished…"

Shi Yunjian retracted his indifferent gaze. Just as he was about to go upstairs, Shi Qingyin's blurry gaze met his.

Shi Qingyin suddenly laughed. "Oh, Ge, you were splashed too?"

Shi Yunjian's foot paused.


"She really never changes. She keeps using the same tricks. It's hilarious." Shi Qingyin pointed at the wet spot and sneered, "She used the same trick on me the first time I met her. She offered to wipe too."

Shi Yunjian: "..."

Shi Qingyin was taken aback by the sudden silence. "Ge?"

Shi Yunjian: "Did you let her wipe?"

Shi Qingyin: "Yeah, of course."

Shi Yunjian: "Mhm."

Shi Qingyin: "Mhm?"

"So." Shi Yunjian expressionlessly looked at him. "You're wrong."

Shi Qingyin: "...?"


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