OOC Villainess - Ch 018

Title: The OOC Villainess and the White Moonlight Heroine are BFFs
Translator: Little Bamboo Spirit

Chapter 18 - You're wrong (1)

After Jiang Shuyao wiped her hands, she sat down. Just as she was about to speak to Yue Xia, she noticed that Yue Xia's expression was a bit strange. She asked, "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

Yue Xia retracted her gaze. "It's nothing."

The matter didn't concern Shuyao and her. She just felt that this matter would be a bit troublesome to the system, but that wasn't her problem.

The pole dancing competition was over. The organizer seriously graded the pole dancers and gave them awards. Yue Xia ordered another cup of milk. After three failed attempts at trying to wake up the crashed system, she noticed that Jiang Shuyao was looking over at the pink-colored champion in a daze.

Yue Xia called out, "Shuyao?"

"Huh?" Jiang Shuyao returned to her senses. "What's wrong?"

Yue Xia asked, "What are you thinking? You look so serious."

"It's nothing." Jiang Shuyao's gaze gradually softened. "I just… suddenly thought of Qingyin."

[Ding.] Yue Xia finally heard the automatic mechanical voice again. [Supplemented past narration and increased character depth. Reasonableness of the plot has been increased by 1.]

Yue Xia: "?"

Why did Shuyao suddenly think of Shi Qingyin? Was it because that steel pole looked very suitable for smacking his rotten head?

In fact, it was a very typical story of a white knight coming to the rescue of a bullied and isolated girl. In that moment, the girl felt a spark of love. However, their families had strict upbringings, and they were broken apart. Jiang Shuyao chose to go abroad, and they renewed their relationship after she came back.

As Yue Xia listened to Jiang Shuyao's story, she couldn't bear to interrupt her. She forcibly dragged the system out of its gloomy state and asked: [Shi Qingyin's mom didn't toss five million on the table and tell her to leave her son, right? That would be too cliche. ]

The system: [No.]

Yue Xia: [What happened then?"]

[His mother didn't need to spend money.] The system was straightforward. [For a girl with low self-confidence and sky-high self-esteem, his mother only had to look at her mockingly and ask her if she thinks she's worthy.]

Yue Xia: "..."

Congratulations to the Shi's for adding another member that should be exiled to outer space. There was no need to wait for an auspicious date. They should take a rocket off the planet today!

[Shi Qingyin isn't completely hopeless.] Yue Xia poured a glass of water for Jiang Shuyao and objectively remarked: [At the very least, he protected someone in his school days. On that point, he deserves to be praised.]

The system: [The male protagonist instigated those people to bully her. He fell in love with the white moonlight at first sight and wanted to gain her favorable impression by rescuing her.]

Yue Xia immediately became hostile. [He should go die!]

"Sorry, it's probably boring to hear me talk about this." Jiang Shuyao noticed Yue Xia's silence and hastily said, "I know you don't have a good impression of him, but that's just a misunderstanding. He only looks cold. He's a warm-hearted person. As long as you take the time to understand him, you'll discover…"

Yue Xia: "It's better to not waste that time."

Jiang Shuyao: "?"

The person sitting next to them heard Jiang Shuyao reminiscing the painful story of her youth for a long time and thought they were weirdos for talking about that in front of a pole dancing stage. Hearing Yue Xia's response, that person couldn't hold back a "pfft!" from escaping.

Jiang Shuyao had a good temper and didn't get angry. On the contrary, she looked at Yue Xia in admiration and suddenly said, "You have a lot of friends, right?"

Yue Xia was preoccupied with insulting Shi Qingyin to the system. Hearing this, she turned her head. "Huh?"

"Although I haven't known you for long, and it might be a bit disrespectful to say this, you have a really good personality." Jiang Shuyao spoke in a gentle voice with sincerity in every word. She also sounded a bit distressed over the subject matter. "You can freely express your dislike towards people you don't like. You're so good to the people you like… Everyone would want to be friends with someone like you."

Yue Xia was straightforward and clearly expressed who she liked and disliked. She was completely different from her.

Yue Xia looked at Jiang Shuyao's lonely eyes and thought to herself; the reason why you don't have friends is because of that b*stard Shi Qingyin. It has nothing to do with your personality.

Jiang Shuyao probably sensed that the mood was becoming depressing. She hastily apologized, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that…"

"The easiest mistake that people make is being too courteous to strangers and constantly hurting the people that like them." Yue Xia touched Jiang Shuyao's glass with her kiddie drink. "I just overcame that mistake and only treat the people that like me well. And, it's only just a little bit better."

Jiang Shuyao blankly stared at her. "Huh?"

"On the contrary, it's much harder to be kind to everyone." Yue Xia attentively looked at her and was only short of saying her name. "Only a person with a strong heart can treat people with abundant gentleness. Right?"

Jiang Shuyao: "..."

She could calmly praise other people, but she wasn't used to being praised. She immediately looked away and even fidgeted in her seat.

After a long time, she quietly asked, "Can I stay at your home for a few more days?"

Yue Xia: "Of course."

The system thought Yue Xia couldn't say anything nice, so it was almost moved by Yue Xia at that moment. [You're quite good at…]

[It's the first time I gave such a long speech.] Yue Xia breathed a big sigh of relief in her mind and happily shouted: [Chicken soup for the soul is here!]

The system: [...]

So noisy! Ahh!

(T/N: Chicken soup usually doesn't have a positive connotation in Chinese. It's giving advice or sharing a story that makes the listener feel better, but doesn't actually solve the listener's problem.

I interpreted this as Yue Xia doesn't think Jiang Shuyao being kind to people that don't treat her well is a good thing, but she says it to make the downtrodden Jiang Shuyao feel better.)

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