How to Stop the Villain - Ch 016

How to Stop the Villain from Going Crazy
Translator: Fuyu

Chapter 16 - Why couldn't she be the one that was knocked unconscious? (2)

Bo Li could only think of another way and see if there was someone else she could use in the circus.

For the next three days, she stopped paying attention to Erik's movements and forced herself to interact with the other people in the circus.

The people in the circus weren't as scary as she thought.

They were mostly people making do with living on the fringe of society. They were illiterate, uneducated, and couldn't even spell their names.

Apart from Erik, the most educated person was the manager followed by a magician named Richard Simon.

She heard that Richard Simon used to be the star magician in the circus. He was handsome and knew a lot of magic tricks such as making an apple float in mid-air, pulling a coin from behind the audience member's ear, and pulling a live rabbit out of a hat.

Many of the audience members used to be his loyal fans. There was even a New Yorker that came all the way to a circus show to request him to perform on Broadway.

However, after Erik appeared, Richard Simon dropped to a second-rate performer. It was only when Erik wasn't available that he could go back to performing the closing act like before.

In the past two days, Bo Li saw him loitering outside the main tent. He seemed to want to take advantage of Erik's medical leave absence to return to his position as the circus's star performer.

Bo Li thought; perhaps, she could use this magician to get back her backpack.

At dinner, Bo Li took her plate and sat down next to Richard.

Richard had a very good appearance. He had deep eye sockets and a high nose bridge. He looked like a gentle and melancholy young man. He was wearing a tweed coat with a white shirt and velvet vest underneath and a fake gem ring on his thumb.

"Mr. Simon." Bo Li smiled at him.

As soon as she said that, she felt goosebumps rising on her back as if her back was pierced by icy thorns. She felt like someone was intensely staring at her.

Bo Li looked back in surprise, but she didn't see anything. Was she mistaken?

Richard responded to her greeting. "Good evening, Poli."

Bo Li forced herself to focus on Richard.

His address for her gave her useful information. They must have been familiar with each other for him to call her by her first name.

Bo Li forced herself to ignore the odd feeling of being watched. After thinking it over, she pretended to casually ask, "What did the manager say?"

Richard froze in surprise for a moment, and then he wryly smiled. "Even you know about it."

He sighed again "The manager didn't say anything, but he probably doesn't want me anymore. It makes sense. Erik knows more magic tricks than me, and his salary is lower than mine… It's normal that the manager doesn't want to keep me in the circus. It's okay. I can try my luck at other troupes.

Bo Li aptly showed a concerned gaze. "Can't you try talking it over with him?"

"Even if I lower my salary to Erik's level." Richard rubbed his temples and wearily smiled. "The manager still won't want to keep me. Erik is too clever. He can figure out a magic trick just by watching it once… He had an innate talent for magic tricks. I can't compare to him."

Bo Li looked at Richard and pretended to be indignant. She leaned over and quietly said, "Mr. Simon, you're a good person. They're jerks for treating you like this!"

Richard was puzzled by her anger, but he still thanked her. "Poli, thank you. Your words mean a lot to me."

Bo Li placed her hand on Richard and lowered her voice even more. "My position is low, and I don't know much. I can't help you out by speaking to the manager, but I know something that might be useful to you."

Richard seriously said, "I'm all ears."

"Have you heard about that weird bag?"

"The one that fell from the sky?"

"Yeah, that one," Bo Li said, "It didn't fall from the sky. A bag merchant stole it from Louis Vuitton!"

"Louis Vuitton? Louis Vuitton of Paris?"

Bo Li secretly sighed in relief. She had guessed correctly. By 1888, Louis Vuitton's name had already become very famous.

If Richard hadn't heard of Louis Vuitton, then she really didn't know whose name she could use.

"Yes, I heard that the craftsmanship of this bag is very complicated. Mr. Vuitton tried for a long time and could only make this one. He wanted to present this bag as a tribute to the royal family, but someone stole it. The manager and the others are planning to exhibit this bag as a rare treasure… But I think if someone returned this bag to Mr. Vuitton, he might give that person a referral to work for the royal family!"

Richard fell into deep thought.

After a while, he raised his eyes, held Bo Li's hands, and said, "Thank you for telling me this. If I make something of myself, I definitely won't forget your help."

Bo Li turned her hand over and held his hand in return. She smiled at him. She didn't need him to repay her. She just wanted him to steal the bag and leave the circus with it.

Once that happened, she would convince Erik to get her bag back. Richard was gentle with a medium build. It would be easier to convince Erik to rob him than to rob the manager.

Thinking of this, Bo Li felt quite happy and didn't care about the strange feeling of being watched. She polished off the bread and potatoes on her plate.

Richard was obviously tempted by the backpack. Throughout the evening, he kept looking at the main tent and rubbing his thumb.

He watched the main tent, and Bo Li watched him. She tried guessing when he would make his move.

Richard was a magician. His hand speed and reaction time was far superior to ordinary people. He could definitely take the backpack out of the main tent. He was just lacking in determination.

In the evening, Richard smoked a cigar. He fretfully rubbed his thumb and finally made up his mind. He headed to the main tent.

Before leaving, he glanced at Bo Li.

Bo Li nodded at him and mouthed: good luck.

During the past few days, Richard would visit the main tent almost every night. Plus, it was currently showtime. Almost all of the hired gunmen were sent to the performance hall to guard against hooligans that might cause trouble.

There were only two guards left at the main tent, and they were playing poker. Seeing that it was Richard, they waved their hands and let him in.

Half an hour later, Richard walked out of the main tent. He looked calm and confident.

Bo Li didn't know how he had moved the backpack, but she knew he had succeeded.

She let out a long sigh of relief. She could plan her escape without worries now.

She had a feeling that her sleep tonight would be the most restful one since her transmigration.

Bo Li's premonition was wrong.

In the middle of the night, she heard heavy footsteps, and the canvas of her tent was lifted up. Someone entered her tent and dragged in a heavy thing.

Bo Li opened her eyes and struggled to focus her vision. The first thing she saw was a white mask.

It was as if a bucket of cold water had been splashed over her face. Bo Li immediately woke up. She shivered and quickly sat up.

The scene before her gave her goosebumps.

In the darkness, Erik held an unconscious Richard in one hand and her backpack in the other hand. Step by step, he calmly marched towards her.

Bo Li met his indifferent and emotionless gaze. Her stomach felt tight, and her throat dry. She could hardly breathe.

What was he doing? They didn't talk for a few days, and her previous efforts were wiped out?


What had she done to upset him?

What had Richard done wrong?

Erik's gaze was as blank as the mask. He didn't even look at Richard and just tossed him to the side. Holding the backpack, he continued walking towards her.

His tall shadow gradually loomed over her.

Bo Li was rattled. She wanted to retreat, but her body was frozen in terror.

When he was only one step away from her, Erik halted. He leaned over and tossed the backpack next to her.

That loud thump seemed to hit her fragile nerves.

Bo Li felt increasingly confused. What did he mean by this?

Was he threatening her and then bribing her?

She definitely had to take the backpack with her. There were too many important things in it.

However, her plan was messed up. Before this happened, she only had to wait for Richard to leave the circus with the backpack and then follow him.

But now, Richard was unconscious in her tent, and the backpack was by her feet. Erik was staring at her with a creepy look.

Not only did she have to deal with this series of unforeseen events, she had to figure out

what Erik was thinking and why he was looking at her like that.

Bo Li looked at Richard, who was sleeping like a baby. This was too much. Why couldn't she be the one that was knocked unconscious?

T/N: Next part will be posted on August 17th at 9:15 PM EST.

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