OOC Villainess - Ch 037

Title: The OOC Villainess and the White Moonlight Heroine are BFFs
Translator: Little Bamboo Spirit

Chapter 37 - He felt that his sister's relationship with Shuyao couldn't be that simple (3)

It was rare for Yue Qing to have a day off. He was resting at home when he saw Yue Xia bringing someone home. He was taken aback.

Why… Why did she bring her back?!

How did she manage this? Was Shi Qingyin crazy or was he crazy?

Jiang Shuyao rarely interacted with men of the same age as her. She shyly shook his hand in greeting before hastily going to the guest room. Yue Qing looked at the calm and composed Yue Xia and woodenly asked, "Have you gotten addicted to stealing other people's girlfriends?"

Yue Xia happily hummed a little tune. She was filled with the joy of a bumper harvest.

Yue Qing's sharp gaze looked her over and didn't notice anything unusual. He really couldn't tell what mischief Yue Xia was up to now. He could only drop the subject and pinch her by the back of her neck. He turned around and said, "Choose one before leaving."

Yue Xia looked. There were several photos of dresses on his phone. There were all sorts of styles. She couldn't help showing a strange expression. "Bro, I can respect whatever hobbies you have, but…"

"What are you thinking?" Yue Qing tsked and tapped her forehead. He wasn't a willing participant in this task either. "Mom chose some dresses for you to wear to the business party on Saturday. She couldn't make up her mind and wanted my opinion."

Ah, so it was like that. Yue Xia took a few glances and casually pointed at a black dress. "This one then. It's warm."

Yue Qing: "..."

Why was her criteria for a formal dress whether it was warm or not? Couldn't she have a little respect for fashion?

Yue Xia happily went upstairs. He exhaled and held his forehead.

In fact, the task their mom assigned him was far more than this. Their parents were still frightened that Yue Xia had jumped into a river multiple times, so they were more concerned about Yue Xia's mental state than when she was a teenager. There was still more than half a month until Yue Xia's birthday, but they were already urging him to come up with an invitation list.

In his opinion, with Yue Xia's popularity, it would be strange if anyone would come to her birthday party.

Of course, he wouldn't be okay if anyone else said that about his sister. If someone dared to speak badly of her, he would be angry.

And also, Jiang Shuyao…

Yue Qing looked at the silent room above in worry. He felt that his sister's relationship with Shuyao couldn't be that simple.



Jiang Shuyao didn't have that much personal belongings. After making her bed, she went to Yue Xia's room to bask in the sun.

Yue Xia's room had a particularly spacious bay window, and there were swaying treetops right outside. Jiang Shuyao sat on the cushion, looked out the window, and thought about Shi Qingyin. She felt utterly disconcerted.

It was difficult for people to accurately analyze their feelings. She and Shi Qingyin had met each other as teenagers, and they had been together for the important parts of their high school time, especially as she witnessed the people around them going through cycles of breaking up and getting back together. For a long time, Jiang Shuyao was glad that they weren't like those couples.

But now…

Yue Xia opened a social media platform. Sure enough, as she expected, speculative comments appeared in the comment section of her account. She clicked on their accounts and confirmed that these users followed Zhuang Xiaohan.

She raised her eyebrows.

Deleting would make her look guilty. Canceling was escaping. It was better to do nothing, and let things unfold.

"Shuyao." Yue Xia put her phone to the side and turned on her computer. "What are you thinking about?"

In fact, she didn't need Shuyao's answer to know. Seeing Shuyao's worried and dismal expression, she could guess that she was thinking about Shi Qingyin, that lousy piece of work.

Sure enough, Jiang Shuyao slowly said, "Yue Xia, have I gone too far?"

Yue Xia: "No."

Jiang Shuyao: "He's already like that."

Yue Xia: "He's still alive."

Jiang Shuyao: "..."

The system sighed. [Host, you're too good at chatting.]

Yue Xia didn't think she said anything wrong and casually asked, "So what are your plans for the future?"

"My plans…" Jiang Shuyao's gaze was a bit lost. "I don't know."

Yue Xia: "Think about yourself first."

"Me?" Jiang Shuyao was even more at a loss. "I don't know."

What was there for her to consider? She didn't even have a hobby that she genuinely liked. She was eternally a good student, a well-behaved girl.

Yue Xia looked at her expression and saw that she was still upset, so she simply asked, "Are you regretting beating him up?"

"No regrets." Jiang Shuyao answered the question without having to think about it.

"Anyways, you don't have anything to do for the next few days. You've already taken leave from work. Just take a good rest." Yue Xia smiled and handed Jiang Shuyao a controller. "Do you play games?"

Jiang Shuyao's gaze suddenly became a bit disapproving. "Playing games will make you lose your aspirations."

Yue Xia finally felt a teacher's authority from Shuyao. "Give it a try."

"Yue Xia." Jiang Shuyao slightly furrowed her brow. Her expression was 100% serious and worried. "Qingyin is seriously injured and lying in bed. I'm really not in the mood to play games, and it would be inappropriate to do so. It would be disrespectful to him."

Yue Xia: "Come on, try."

Jiang Shuyao righteously said, "No, it's really not okay. This is a matter of principle. Besides, I have to bring soup to Qingyin later."

Yue Xia: "Come on, play with me."


Two hours later, Yue Qing finally finished his call with a restaurant and also assured his mom that he would protect his sister. As he passed by the side hall, he heard the sounds of fierce fighting from upstairs.

Yue Qing's cold and sharp eyes suddenly narrowed.

Could it be?

As he ran upstairs, he heard a female voice say with gritted teeth, "How dare you? Do you think you can ride on my head?" His nerves tensed up.

Sure enough… his intuition was right!

He rushed upstairs in big strides, pushed the door open with a bang, and was ready to sternly stop them. "What are you doing-"

He stopped talking halfway.

In the room with warm lights, the 4k UHD monitor displayed a clear and intense gameplay. Yue Xia and Jiang Shuyao were huddled together in strange postures and focused on pressing their controllers.

Jiang Shuyao's face was red from nervousness. She let out an unsteady cry like a boiling kettle. "Yue Xia, someone is attacking me! Ahhh!"

Yue Xia rushed to Shuyao's character and very reliably said, "It's okay. Get on top of my head."

In the fierce fight, Yue Xia successfully killed three players. Jiang Shuyao rolled around on the bed in happiness. Suddenly, she stopped rolling and froze. "... Have I forgotten something?"

She fell into deep thought.

Yue Xia patted her and said. "We queued into another game. Let's go."

Jiang Shuyao tossed her thoughts unimaginable far away. "Wait for me!"

Yue Qing: "..."

What was going on? He had never felt so confused in his life.

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