OOC Villainess - Ch 034

Title: The OOC Villainess and the White Moonlight Heroine are BFFs
Translator: Little Bamboo Spirit

Chapter 34 - What did it mean for Shi Qingyin to be in a helpless state? (2)

Half an hour later, Yue Xia arrived at the hospital. She had rushed all the way here.

This was a high-end hospital, and there weren't many people walking around. Everyone was well-dressed and talking in low voices. Yue Xia was deeply worried as she took the elevator up.

[Shuyao isn't sick, right? The temperature has been so high recently. If she gets angry, there's a high risk of heatstroke. Staying with such an unlucky man will unduly influence her luck for the worse.]

The system ignored her.

The upper levels of the hospital had VIP rooms. These single-occupancy rooms faced a lake, and the air was fresh. As Yue Xia watched the floor numbers changing, she suddenly felt that the system's earlier words were strange.

What did it mean for Shi Qingyin to be in a helpless state? With his personality, let alone attending the school's anniversary celebration, he would force Shuyao to go wherever he wanted. After all, he never treated other people's objections seriously.

There was a breeze on the high floor. There were only two patient rooms per floor with a long distance between each room. She glanced at a nearby room and only saw a seriously injured patient in a plaster cast. She didn't see Shuyao.

She was still looking around with restraint when she saw Shuyao walking out of the bathroom from the corner. Her head was lowered, and she looked quite dejected.

Jiang Shuyao dried her hands. It was hard to cover up her low spirits.

During this period of time, she only felt happy during her short stay at the Yue's. The rest of the time, she either felt angry or sad. She was like a zombie at work. She was embarrassed about her poor work state and asked her manager for time off.

To her surprise, her manager said it didn't matter that she wasn't doing well. Shi Qingyin was the one paying her salary, not the school.

It should have been a sweet thing, but Jiang Shuyao only felt her mind going blank.

She had lived for over twenty years and studied abroad at an art college, but she took this teaching job because Shi Qingyin thought the teacher profession was leisurely and stable and wouldn't delay "things". Thus, she muddleheadly accepted this job. Although her salary was only a few thousand yuan a month, she seriously and whole-heartedly taught her classes. She thought that her hard work was at least proof of her creative value, but now, she found out it was a lie.

She finally had an answer to those inexplicably high bonuses and her coworkers' strange gazes.

When he was happy with her, he would indirectly give her a bonus. When he was unhappy, he would tell her it was pointless for her to work. She was like a canary that didn't know it was in a cage. Her only use was to be looked at by Shi Qingyin. She wasn't part of society.

Her heart ached, but she proficiently endured it. Don't cry.

Suddenly, from nearby, she heard a clear voice. "Shuyao?"

She abruptly looked up. Yue Xia was only a few steps away from her and looking at her with concern. "What's wrong? Are you not feeling well?"

Jiang Shuyao: "..."

She didn't know what was wrong with her. She could normally quickly swallow down those negative emotions, but now, she was like a kindergartener that saw her mom. All of her grievances were released, and she couldn't hold back her tears. Her tears poured down like a torrential rain.

Yue Xia had only just said a few words and was thinking about how to explain how she knew Shuyao's location when she saw Shuyao burst into tears at the speed of light. Her heart skipped a beat in fright. [F*ck. System! What's going on?!]

The system flatly replied: [She's crying.]

Yue Xia: [...]

Thank you. She wasn't blind.

While trying to hold herself back, Jiang Shuyao squeezed her fingers and quietly said, "I'm sorry."

She felt that nothing was important anymore. It didn't matter why Yue Xia was being nice to her. Even if Yue Xia was doing it for Shi Qingyin… it was okay.

She didn't notice that the balance in her heart was quietly shifting.

But, Yue Xia must still be angry, right? She had spoken so harshly to Yue Xia.

Jiang Shuyao blinked. Her clumped up eyelashes felt a bit painful. As she racked her brains on how to apologize, she felt a gentle pat.

Yue Xia's head was slightly lowered, and her brow was furrowed as she asked, "What's wrong?"

Her tone was natural and intimate as if there were no bad feelings between them.

Jiang Shuyao sniffled and shook her head. "Yesterday, after you left…. I regretted it. I wanted to take the vase back. But he asked, are you more important than him? I don't understand. Why does he always make me choose? He's important to me, but why do I have to give up everything for him… He said so much. I was tired, so I was going to give in."

Jiang Shuyao's tearful face was beautiful. Her nose was slightly red. Her beautiful and elegant face looked so pitiful. She omitted some content that would make Yue Xia unhappy. "But then, he said some very unpleasant words that I couldn't accept. I was so angry, and I couldn't help… slapping him."

Yue Xia finished patiently listening to her chatter and sighed in relief.

What was the big deal? Shi Qingyin was so shameless. Slapping him was doing a good deed. Was he mad with Shuyao just because she slapped him? What was wrong with a manly man getting slapped? He couldn't even endure a slap, and he still had the nerve to say that he loves Shuyao.

Yue Xia: "Is everything fine?"

Jiang Shuyao was taken aback. "He's-"

"I'm not asking about him." Yue Xia asked, "Does your hand hurt?"

Jiang Shuyao: "Umm…"

She surreptitiously examined Yue Xia's expression for a while. Finally, she mustered up her courage and nervously tugged Yue Xia's sleeve. "Have you forgiven me?"

Yue Xia wanted to laugh. "I should be asking you that. Why are you asking me?"

Jiang Shuyao pursed her lips and secretly smiled.

They didn't say anything for a while. A breeze blew by and lifted the ends of their black hair. It was rare for the mood to be so relaxed and happy. Yue Xia finally remembered why came here. "Hmm? So you're not sick? Then why are you at the hospital?"

Jiang Shuyao's expression froze. Her clear eyes guiltily looked away. She evasively sidestepped the question. "Umm, yeah, I was really angry at the time, so I used a bit too much force when I slapped him."

"You're so thin. How hard could you have possibly slapped him? It's not like a slap can kill him." Yue Xia cheerfully smiled and asked, "Is Shi Qingyin here?"

She was just casually asking and didn't expect Jiang Shuyao to nod and point at the hospital room. "Yeah."

Yue Xia: "?"

Did she misremember? She took three steps back in confusion and walked into the hospital room that she had seen earlier.

The man lying on the bed had a plaster cast on his leg, gauze wrapped around his head, and even his cheeks were tightly wrapped. His body was stiff, and he looked like he was about to be buried. When his lifeless eyes saw Yue Xia, he suddenly burst into anger. "How dare you… Ahhh!"

Unfortunately for him, he was angry for a long time, but the best he could do was raise his head by 15 centimeters.

Why did this look a bit familiar?

Yue Xia gulped and looked at his medical chart. She saw bolded words.

[Shi Qingyin, fractured ribs.]

She continued reading and saw something even more important.

[Three fractured ribs]

Yue Xia: "..."

She looked at Shuyao's lowered head and saw the cute, pitiful hair whorl on her head.

… It was true that Shuyao hadn't beaten him to death, but he certainly looked close to death.

T/N: Next part will be posted on Monday at 9:15 PM EST.

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