OOC Villainess - Ch 033

Title: The OOC Villainess and the White Moonlight Heroine are BFFs
Translator: Little Bamboo Spirit

Chapter 33 - What did it mean for Shi Qingyin to be in a helpless state? (1)

After the joking around was over, it was time to sit down and be serious.

There was a reason why Father Yue and Mother Yue came back. There was a business banquet on Saturday. Although Yue Xia had majored in business, she had no interest in interfering with her family's business. Yue Deliang had arranged a position for her at the company, but she slacked off half the time. In the end, she decided she might as well quit.

Therefore, Yue Qing usually attended these business banquets by himself. However, this time, Yue Deliang wanted to bring Yue Xia.

(T/N: I don't remember if this was explicitly stated, but Yue Xia's parents are retired, and Yue Qing has to shoulder their family's business by himself.)

When Yue Deliang said these words, his gaze was serious. "There will be relevant important people there… You said that your social media account wasn't doing well, right?"

Yue Xia was somewhat speechless.

Considering how unpopular her account was, it was overkill to use the Yue family's connections to bring her the banquet, so that she could meet those people. It was like using a gun to kill a mosquito.

It seemed that her parents truly felt that her heart had been broken and were very distressed for her sake. Her dad was taking care of her career while her mom was introducing eligible bachelors. 

"Look, this Shen Yu, doesn't he look quite spirited?"

Yue Xia: "Spirited? He looks mental to me."

Li Meizhu: "Look at this crew cut one. He's so young and lively."

Yue Xia: "He looks like a 70 year old man, who can't even go to the bathroom by himself and still wants to cheat with the live-in nanny."

Li Meizhu: "What about the one from the Lin family? He has a better temper. His personality will complement yours. Isn't that good?"

Yue Xia: "He wears white clothes every day. If I wake up in the morning and see him, I'll feel like I'm attending my funeral."

Li Meizhu: "..."

When did her daughter's language proficiency become so profound?

"Stop fixating on that Shi Qingyin!" Li Meizhu put her list aside and asked, "You don't like this one or that one. What kind of man do you find attractive then?"

If looks were the only consideration, then Yue Xia had a candidate. "Someone like Shi Yunjian."

Yue Qing sneered and didn't take her words seriously. "You just can't let go of the Shi family, huh?"

With Yue Xia's current state and Shi Yunjian's AI-like personality, there was no possible way either side would be interested in the other. Even if they were pushed together by others, it wouldn't work out. He thought that the only reason Yue Xia could be interested in Shi Qingyin was because she wanted to become Shi Qingyin's sister-in-law and started a taboo love affair.

Unexpectedly, Yue Deliang and Li Meizhu looked at each other and fell silent.

Yue Qing noticed there was something wrong. He raised an eyebrow and asked, "What is it?"

"Yunjian… is a good kid, but… let's not consider him." Li Meizhu shook her head and changed the topic, "Anyways, Xiaxia."

Li Meizhu held Yue Xia's fingertips with her well-maintained and soft hand. She gently stroked her daughter's fingers. Li Meizhu sighed and looked into her daughter's eyes.

In a rare moment of seriousness, she said, "Mom wants you to have the freedom to make your own decisions, that's the path to happiness, but you're our precarious daughter, so why should you suffer because of Shi Qingyin?"

Li Meizhu's expression gradually became heavy and even a bit cold. "Give up on him."

She didn't care who came first, or who owed whom. She only cared about who bullied her baby.

… Shi Qingyin had been arrogant for so long. It was time for him to fall.


The system didn't reappear until the next afternoon.

Before Yue Xia could say "I miss you so much", she was hit by several system notifications:

[Plot divergence detected! Mission failed! Reclaiming achievement points x100!]

[The original plot prepared by the head system has already lost its use. Host, please figure out on your own how to redirect the plot back to the correct path. Repeating again. Host, please redirect the plot back to the correct path as soon as possible!]

[The female protagonist's intellect debuff has been lowered to 60%. Rewarding achievement points x100!]

Yue Xia: [...]

Wait. What happened?

(T/N: It was mentioned back in chapter 6 that Yue Xia saw an intellect debuff on Jiang Shuyao.)

The system's mechanical voice sounded. Clearly, its voice didn't have any modulations, but Yue Xia could hear its weariness. [Host, well done.]

Yue Xia could hear its sarcasm. [I clearly didn't do anything.]

[I was dragged away to an emergency meeting. The head system has re-evaluated the direction. The plot is in chaos.

Originally, it would have been fine that the plot point for why the protagonists got back together was gone. With a little work, it would be possible to fix it. But looking at the situation now, that's impossible.]

Yue Xia successfully grasped the key point from the pile of words. "They didn't get back together?"

The system vaguely answered: [The male protagonist is in a helpless state.]

Yue Xia: "Oh."

What did that have to do with her? Anyways, he wasn't dead. Yue Xia didn't care about him. She only calmly asked, "What about Shuyao?"

The system: [In the middle of crying.]

Yue Xia immediately felt heartbroken. She looked like she was about to bawl the next second. "Yaoyao, Yaoyao, you must have suffered terribly!"

[... Stop acting!] The system was on the verge of igniting and exploding. It said: [Things have come to this point. It can't be fixed. Since there's no way for the protagonists to get back together, then just let them separate thoroughly. The red rose is about to appear.]

Yue Xia agreed: [I'm good at this.]

[In the original plot, they separated because Jiang Shuyao found out what was really going on during their high school years through Lin Shu. She had naively thought the evil dragon was a knight. That nightmare in her youth that she couldn't shake off was caused by the person closest to her. She was devastated and broke up with him. Her attitude was resolute and couldn't be changed. Shi Qingyin failed to win her back. He could only drink his sorrows away and seek a new source of comfort.

You need Jiang Shuyao to find out about this on her own. She won't believe the truth if it comes from you.]

Yue Xia discovered a problem. [But, I have no way to contact her right now.]

Shuyao had blocked her yesterday on WeChat, and her phone was turned off when she tried to call her. Even if she wanted to see Shuyao, she couldn't. Plus, Shuyao was still angry with her.

The system: [...]

She didn't know what the system was hesitating about. Anyways, ten minutes later, it reluctantly sent her an address.

[Jiang Shuyao is here. Go find her.]

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