OOC Villainess - Ch 025

Title: The OOC Villainess and the White Moonlight Heroine are BFFs
Translator: Little Bamboo Spirit

Chapter 25 - After spending so much time with Yue Xia, the system had drastically improved its mocking skill (2)

Since these guests had come, they had to be entertained. The group kept their mouths shut as they were led to the front of the courtyard. Shi Yunjian had been making tea before they came. The koi in the pond reflected colorful light. The breeze was gently blowing, and the water was sparkling. The scenery was both very elegant and also very old-fashioned.

Yue Xia plopped down and continued talking to the system. [Do you think he's forgotten that I spilled milk on…]

Before she could finish speaking, she noticed that Shi Yunjian suspiciously paused when he was about to hand her a cup of tea. In the end, he left the cup at least half a meter away from her.

Yue Xia: "..."

Kid, why are you being so cautious?

Shi Yunjian was indeed taciturn. After pouring tea for the visitors and saying "help yourself", he went back to finishing what he had been doing with a blank expression.

Shi Qingyin's friends were uncomfortable and kept fidgeting. They hesitated to speak and ended up remaining silent for half an hour. The wind was as lovely as before, but their faces were greener than the water.

Yue Xia wanted to laugh. [System, he and Shi Qingyin have such different personalities.]

[That's related to the difference in their backgrounds.] The system jabbered on. [He and Shi Qingyin have the same father, but different mothers. During their childhood…]

While Shi Qingyin's friends were stifled, Yue Xia listened to the system as if it was an audiobook.

The system finished speaking in one breath and finally sighed. [Shi Qingyin is a pitiful person too. That childhood adversity casted a shadow on him. It was the reason why he was so desperate for redemption when he met the white moonlight…]

[Stop.] Yue Xia calmly said. [Good people deserve redemption. Vile people just need rectification.]

The system: [...]

Such cruel words, such a cold heart.

Finally, when Zhuang Xiaohan could hardly sit still anymore, they heard footsteps from the west side of the courtyard. Shi Qingyin's expression was ugly, and he was pulling Jiang Shuyao into the courtyard. It seemed that their conflicts had continued to accumulate, and his patience was almost exhausted.

Jiang Shuyao, who was stumbling behind him, didn't look any better. Her cheeks were wet, and her eyes were red. She had bit her bottom lip so much there were residual teeth marks. It looked like her past several days hadn't gone well. She looked like life had been leached out of her. She didn't even notice the people by the pond.

The crew cut guy had been restraining himself for a long time. Now that he finally saw Shi Qingyin, he immediately called out, "Hey! Qingyin!"

Shi Qingyin unhappily turned his head. He was startled when he saw Yue Xia. Soon after, he turned his head and looked at Jiang Shuyao with a furrowed brow. He was worried that Jiang Shuyao would be stimulated by the sight of Yue Xia. He would have never expected that her response would be -

Jiang Shuyao's subconscious feelings towards Yue Xia were displayed on her face. Her eyebrows rose, her eyes widened, and her lips curved up without her knowing. Shi Qingyin had seen this expression on her many times. It was pure joy.

The joyful expression lasted for half a second before Jiang Shuyao remembered that she shouldn't be happy to see Yue Xia. She paused for a moment before slowly putting her smile away and silently looking away.

Shi Qingyin: "...?"

Huh? That seems wrong…? Why is she happy…?

Her reaction… What's going on?


After several days, Yue Xia finally saw her little white moonlight. Shuyao looked like she had suffered a lot.. She felt so distressed and complained to the system. [Look at how much weight she lost. She's so skinny now. How can I still go through with making her feel disgusted? That would be too inhumane!]

The system had already learned to ignore her when she was putting on a show. It woodenly said: [It's okay. I'm sure you'll do a good job completing the task.]

It didn't dare to guarantee anything else, but it was confident that its host was very skilled at treating low blood pressure. Yue Xia definitely wouldn't have any problem upsetting anyone.

As soon as Shi Qingyin saw Yue Xia, in addition to anger, he felt a throbbing pain on his right cheek.

… There was still a distinct slap mark on his cheek, so he couldn't even make up an excuse for how he got hurt. He hadn't been able to find a method and opportunity to get revenge either. Old and new hatreds welled up. Seeing that Yue Xia was carefully dressed and the gift by her hand, he sneered, "Do you think I'll accept your gift? Get out-"

"Shuyao." Yue Xia happily went over and offered the present that she had spent a long time picking out. "For you."

Jiang Shuyao didn't look at her or speak. She seemed a bit out of it.

Didn't accept.

The system complained. [Didn't you say you were bringing this gift because it's the first time you're visiting?!]

Yue Xia selectively ignored the system and stuffed the present into her hand. Jiang Shuyao reflexively tried to return it, but Yue Xia had already sat back down. Jiang Shuyao blankly held the vase. In the end, she didn't move.


Shi Qingyin, who was treated as a background, was furious. "F*ck, are you listening to me?!"

Shi Yunjian, who was nearby, suddenly raised his head and coldly said, "Watch your own language."

Shi Qingyin snapped his lips closed.

The system hastily checked Shi Qingyin's blood pressure. The result was pleasing. His blood pressure was almost doubled.

Zhuang Xiaohan was almost about to die of anxiety in the back. This was the scene she was waiting to see when she saw Yue Xia outside earlier! Whether they quarreled or fought, either would be fine. But with Shi Yunjian sitting here, no one dared to act rashly. No matter how angry they were, they had to smother that anger. The scene was so peaceful that it felt eerie.

The strange silence lasted for a bit. Shi Yunjian's gaze fell on Yue Xia. In the end, he didn't get up to leave. He asked, "Didn't you all come here to celebrate his birthday?"

Shen Yu blankly opened his mouth. "... Ah? Yes."

Shi Yunjian said, "Proceed."

Everyone else: "..."

What was the difference between Shi Yunjian and those parents that refused to leave their kids' class reunion? How could they celebrate Shi Qingyin's birthday when Shi Yunjian was sitting there?!

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