OOC Villainess - Ch 024

Title: The OOC Villainess and the White Moonlight Heroine are BFFs
Translator: Little Bamboo Spirit

Chapter 24 - After spending so much time with Yue Xia, the system had drastically improved its mocking skill (1)

In the awkward toe-curling silence, in a rare moment of kindness, Zhuang Xiaohan said something to excuse his behavior. "Yu-ge, what's wrong? Are you not feeling well?"

Shen Yu: "..."

He stayed frozen in his squatting position while bitterly thinking that he couldn't help himself. The impact of witnessing Yue Xia sending his close childhood friend flying into the air with a single slap was too much. He even had a nightmare yesterday where Yue Xia was cruelly and evilly laughing at him. When he woke up this morning, he was still absent-minded.

She was able to take such harsh action towards a person she once loved. Sure enough, she was the most malicious woman.

The crew cut guy didn't seem to understand the mood. He thought that Shen Yu was playing around. He pulled him up and kept talking. "Yue Xia, are you here to celebrate Qingyin's birthday? You're so brave. Isn't that person still there?"

Having rang the doorbell, Yue Xia tilted her head and stared at the crew cut guy. She didn't answer him.

It was normally a pleasant thing being stared at by a beautiful woman. At first, the crew cut guy was still laughing, but five seconds later, he couldn't laugh anymore.

Most Asians had brown eyes, but Yue Xia's eyes were an unusual black. Faced with her silent staring, the crew cut guy gulped and felt goosebumps rising on the back of his neck.

… W-What was she doing?

He didn't know that Yue Xia was speaking to the system.

[How come I didn't know today is Shi Qingyin's birthday?] She asked in puzzlement.

The system: [Eh?]

[What are you "eh"-ing about?] Yue Xia ruthlessly spurred it on. [You're a system. Please be more professional.]

Ashamed, the system went to check on the plot. After only a few seconds, it came back. [Today is his birthday according to the lunar calendar, but he usually celebrates his birthday based on the Western calendar. The place for his birthday party this year was chosen, but the party has been canceled.]

Yue Xia: [Huh?]

[... You're "huh"-ing? What's so bad about saying "eh" then?!] The system said. [His face was beaten so badly. His hands shake when he brushes his teeth in the morning. How can he still attend his party? You know very well how much force you used!]

Well, it could be considered a blessing in disguise. Yue Xia's slap meant that the scene that was supposed to occur at Shi Qingyin's birthday party probably wouldn't happen either.

In the original plot, Shi Qingyin drank a lot. He had been angry because Jiang Shuyao was giving him the cold shoulder recently. At this party, he happened to see Lin Shu, the supporting male character, and Jiang Shuyao talking and smiling. At that moment, his anger erupted like a volcano. Even though Jiang Shuyao did her best to resist him, he dragged her away and threw her into a hotel room…

In the original author's opinion, it was just a bit of fun between two consenting adults and could even be considered a good way to resolve a quarrel. However, Yue Xia felt that this no longer fell into the domain of civil matters. The police should be called, and Shi Qingyin should be sent to prison posthaste.

The crew cut guy had goosebumps from being stared at. Just as he was about to speak, the gate finally opened.

Yue Xia looked away from him, adjusted what she was holding, and walked forward.

Unlike the Yue's residence, which was a low-key place where flowers and other plants were casually planted, the Shi's residence was overflowing with the sense of wealth and grandeur. There were even two medium-sized fountains at the gate. The traditional decorative eaves were even accentuated with artificial lighting. The gardeners were currently pruning the landscape plants.

The group would have to walk for a few minutes before reaching the main building.

On the way there, the crew cut guy had the nagging feeling that something was wrong. He whispered to Shen Yu, "Why do you think she's here?"

It wouldn't be right to say she was here to celebrate Qingyin's birthday or that she was here just to annoy Qingyin. Her current status was so awkward, but she was so calm. He couldn't figure out what she was up to.

Shen Yu said in a daze. "There are killers that return to the scene of the crime to reminisce…"

The crew cut guy: "?"

Are you okay, buddy?

Yue Xia took a step forward. Just as she was about to knock on the door, the cold and hard door slowly opened.

When the group saw who was standing behind the door, they were stunned.

The man was wearing pure white loungewear. The outline of his clavicle was deep and distinct, and the front of his hair was gathered up behind his ears. His appearance was casual, but not messy. The sunlight was reflected in his clear and indifferent eyes. When he saw Yue Xia, he slightly turned his face and seemed confused why she was here.

… Unexpectedly, the door wasn't opened by a servant or Shi Qingyin. It was Shi Yunjian.

Even the crew cut guy, who was usually a troublemaker, didn't dare to misbehave in front of Shi Yunjian. Like a little chick, he meekly asked, "Umm, where's Qingyin…"

"He just left." Shi Yunjian stepped aside to let them in and calmly said, "Wait a bit."

The crew cut guy tentatively took a step. "Oh, okay…"

The other two didn't even dare to breathe loudly.

Although Shi Yunjian was only a few years older than them and couldn't be considered their elder, he was the golden child that everyone was compared against. He gave off the feeling that he wasn't from the same world as them.

Moreover, he was cold and taciturn. He rarely socialized. It was impossible to guess what he was thinking. Over time, they saw him as a mythical house-guarding creature.

At present, as soon as Shi Yunjian appeared, no matter how lively the mood was before his appearance, the noise would come to a halt without exception. Everyone would stand as still as statues.

In terms of his appearance, Yue Xia was quite satisfied with him. [System, the hidden character has appeared!]

[I'll go check.] The system was busy looking up other stuff. [Did headquarters forget to include the coding for showing emotions before releasing him?]

Yue Xia: "..."

After spending so much time with Yue Xia, the system had drastically improved its mocking skill.

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