How to Stop the Villain - Ch 057

How to Stop the Villain from Going Crazy
Translator: Fuyu

Chapter 57 - He wanted her to stop being so afraid of him, but he failed (1)

When Bo Li woke up, she was startled.

She had rented this house at the last moment. The landlord thought New Orleans was too humid, and there were too many snakes, insects, rats, and ants. In the middle of the night, the wolves would howl and the foxes would scream. There would also be wild boars that broke the fence. Thus, he put a rental notice in the newspaper.

Bo Li immediately rented the place after seeing it.

Seeing that someone wanted the place, the landlord packed up right away and left. He didn't even take his precious furniture with him.

Bo Li had planned on going back to the hotel to fetch her clothes today. She didn't expect to see clothes on her bed when she woke up.

She originally thought Erik had brought her clothes from the hotel, but when she carefully looked, she saw it was a full set of new clothing: a corset, a pair of gloves, a hat, satin hat accessories, a pair of stockings, a pair of shoes, a white swansdown dress, a light yellow sash, and a white cashmere coat.

Bo Li's mood was complicated. He even chose hat accessories for her.

What did he mean?

Bo Li tried her best to recall the original work and tried to figure out why he did this, but he didn't have a hobby of dressing up women like dolls in the original work!

Although, it was true that he had a strong desire for control.

In the original work, he wouldn't allow others to enter Box #5. He also wouldn't allow any performer that didn't meet his standard to perform on the stage. For example, in the horror movie version, he threw the soprano into the boiler.

That made sense. His areas of expertise - music, architecture, and magic tricks - required strong control and leadership.

It was normal that he wanted to control her.

She was fine with it as long as he didn't kill her. Anyways, she often didn't know what to wear for the day. Just treat it as saving time by not having to choose her outfit.

Bo Li cheerfully changed into the dress.

She was surprised that not only did the dress fit her perfectly, the corset, the gloves, the hat, and the stockings were also perfectly tailored to her size.

When did Erik get her measurements?

It was the shoes that shocked her the most.

After transmigrating, she hadn't been able to find shoes that fit her feet. In the circus, she was wearing someone else's hand-me-down shoes. Those gray, cracked leather shoes were much too big for her. She had to tightly grip onto the soles with her toes to keep them from slipping off when she walked.

After entering the city, her new shoes were barely adequate. Men's shoes didn't come in a size that fit her small feet.

Women's shoes were either too soft - made entirely of silk - or too hard. For example, she had to wrap her toes and heels to prevent them from bleeding when wearing rubber shoes.

Although the sneakers in her backpack were almost a perfect fit for her new feet, she couldn't bear to wear them. She only had this pair of sneakers. Once they were worn down, she wouldn't be able to get another pair.

Of course, there were shoemakers in New Orleans, but the waitlists for good shoemakers were at least half a year.

Bo Li looked at the shoes on her feet.

This was a pair of white, soft, sheepskin shoes. The design wasn't complicated, even a bit simple. The upper part had a symmetrical cut-out pattern. The pattern on the sole was more complicated. It looked like the Baroque style.

As she looked at the shoes, she suddenly had a strange idea. These shoes, did Erik make them?

For the shoes to fit her feet so well, they had to be custom-made. The premade ones in the stores wouldn't have ones that fit the curve of her feet so well.

But, why did he make her shoes? How did he measure her feet? Could he have obtained such accurate data just by looking at the shoes she wore?

Or, could it be that he snuck into her room when she was sleeping and used his eyes, a tape measure, his hands… to measure the length and curvature of her feet?

Bo Li's heart thumped.

She felt like she could feel warmth from the shoes. It was as if her feet were being held by Erik's thin hands instead of by the shoes. It left her feeling disconcerted.

Bo Li wanted to take off these shoes, put on her usual slippers, and pretend nothing had happened.

However, she couldn't deny that she wanted to know why Erik did all this. She also wanted to know how he would react when he saw her wearing these shoes.

Her mind was a mess. Strange thoughts kept popping up. He treated her like this… Would he still want to kill her? Would he still wake her up in the middle of the night with a knife?

He dressed her up like a doll and specially made clothes for her. What exactly was his intention?

Was it her imagination, or did the mood between them feel like… the flirty period before a relationship was defined?

Bo Li had dated twice. Neither relationship was serious, nor did they last long. They pursued her other, but were eventually discouraged by her introversion. She didn't like parties, bars, or outdoor sports.

Many men had been thrilled when they heard she liked to watch horror movies. They thought she would be scared out of her wits and crawl into their laps for comfort.

In fact, horror movies were just her staple companions during mealtime.

Apart from those male partners, she didn't have much contact with men. Was that why she would feel attraction towards Erik?

Bo Li didn't know. Her mind was a mess.

Something was deviating from the right track. She clearly knew that this was wrong, abnormal, and should be seriously corrected.

This even had an immoral implication. Erik was probably several years younger than her mental age. And yet, this sense of immorality was quickly diluted by how dangerous he was.

He could kill her at any time. She didn't have time to worry about his age.

Bo Li forcefully closed her eyes. No, stop. Stop it.

She was shocked by her thoughts.

He just prepared shoes for her, and the size was unexpectedly suitable. How could she think so much just from that?

Translator Ramblings: I saw a funny comment on the publisher's site.

"Erik: (appears in the dark) (secretly touches darling Bo Li) (takes her three measurements) (plays with darling Bo Li's feet) (utterly ashamed) (leaves in shame) (choose fabric in the dark) (steps on the sewing machine in the dark) (makes shoes in the dark) (continues to be utterly ashamed) (delivers clothing in the dark) (looks at darling Bo Li) (hides in the shadows) (continues looking at darling Bo Li)"

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