How to Stop the Villain - Ch 046

How to Stop the Villain from Going Crazy
Translator: Fuyu

Chapter 46 - When can I… see your face? (1)

The sky turned completely dark.

In the parlor, the darkness grew thicker like blood, like the rise and fall of tides.

Boyd kept looking around. He nervously searched for his gun - but his gun was gone!

Only one person could have taken his gun without him knowing it.

Boyd anxiously gasped for air and was almost startled by the sound of his panicked breathing.

Just then, he saw a tall figure behind Polly.

That person wore a white mask. His eyes looked cold and exhausted. He was wearing a long black coat, a white shirt underneath, and black leather gloves. He slowly covered Polly's eyes.


Boyd felt a chill rushing into his head. He held his breath for fear that his breathing would be too loud and attract Erik's attention.

Erik seemed as if he wanted to kill Polly. He covered her eyes with one hand and gripped her neck with the other hand.

Polly was on his side, and he still wanted to kill her. He must have gone crazy.

Boyd trembled and hunched over. He edged towards the parlor's door.

The fake psychics had already run away when they saw Trique's head.

These women were as cowardly as mice. He was fed up with them. He kept them fed, but they were useless in this critical moment. If they were still here, he could at least grab one of them to use as a meat shield.

While backing away, Boyd kept an eye on Erik.

He was shocked to see that Bo Li had also gone crazy. She actually held his hand and kissed his palm. She seemed oblivious to Erik's murderous intent. She even rubbed her cheek gently against his palm.

Was this how she survived? By offering herself to the devil?

If it wasn't for survival, who would be willing to kiss this hideous devil?

Erik paused and let go of her neck. He raised his eyes to look at Boyd.

As if knowing he would die soon, Boyd felt a burst of malice and had a desperate idea. This girly had Erik cut off his finger and hang Trique's head on the chandelier.

She kissed the devil's palm and thought she had found a way to control the devil, but did she know what the person she was kissing looked like?

Boyd sneered and maliciously thought; would she still be able to go through with it after seeing Erik's portrait?

Anyways, he was gonna die. He had to drag Polly to hell with him.

Thinking of this, Boyd rushed to the portrait, lifted it up, placed it on the table, and yanked off the dark red silk.

"This portrait captures 70% of his appearance… Don't you want to see what the person you're kissing looks like?" Boyd's volume was almost at the level of shouting. "Open your eyes, open your eyes, look at this portrait. Ask yourself, can a human look like this? You've read books. You know what genetics are. Tell me, what kind of parents can gave birth to something that looks like progeny of a human and a skeleton-"

Before he could finish speaking, a rope was suddenly wrapped around his neck. A crisp crack, and Boyd's neck was snapped by a strong force.

A human couldn't possess such strength. If this wasn't a malevolent spirit, then what was?

That was the Body's last thought. Immediately after, his head tilted, his white backbone pierced through his skin, and he toppled to the floor with a thud.

Bo Li didn't see this. She kept her eyes tightly closed.

She could feel Erik's murderous intent. To think, she had wrongfully thought he covered her eyes because he didn't want her to see a bloody scene. He had been about to kill her without saying anything!

His black gloves were very cold without any warmth. When he slowly stroked her neck, it felt like a stream of ice water was swimming in her veins and freezing her neck.

In a moment of desperation, Bo Li pretended she wasn't aware of his murderous intentions. She lifted the hand that was on her neck, lowered her head, and kissed his hand.

The smell of blood wafted into her nose.

This was the hand of a killer. Trique's blood might even be on his gloves.

Thinking about the possibility that her lips might be stained with the blood of a dead person, she had to resist the urge to vomit and gently rubbed his palm with her cheek.

He remained motionless and let her do this as if his murderous intent had faded.

Unexpectedly, Boyd went crazy and screamed at her to look at Erik's portrait.

A hundred curses popped up in Bo Li's mind. Why was this guy so insistent on dragging her with him to die?

Didn't he have a gun? Why didn't he use the gun to mediate with Erik?

Whether Boyd lived or died, it had nothing to do with her.

However, if he died too quickly, then it would only be her and Erik.

In the end, Boyd still died.

He was too scared of Erik and hated her too much. He died under Erik's rope without any struggle.

The parlor fell silent, deadly silent.

Bo Li couldn't see. She could only use her ears.

Where was the painting? Did Boyd take the silk cover off?

Could she open her eyes?

After Erik killed Boyd, he took his hand off her eyes. She didn't know what he was doing.

When people closed their eyes, they didn't see pure darkness. She could see the shifting of darkness in the light from Erik walking in front of her.

He seemed to be looking around the parlor and examining the items. She heard a loud bang followed by the hissing of flames. He had probably thrown the portrait into the fireplace.

She heard the rustling of fabric. Was he searching Boyd's clothing?

Bo Li listened to the crackling of the fire and wondered how long it would take to burn the portrait until there was nothing left.

Her legs felt a bit stiff.

It wouldn't do to remain silent. She had to find a way to break the silence.

She had to get him to speak in order to get out of this situation.

Darkness, fear, the smell of blood, danger, trembling from being stared at, the cold black gloves, her heartbeat as she struggled to survive… It was too much. It felt like her feelings and senses were overloaded. The sour taste of adrenaline in her throat. It felt like she had swallowed blood.

Erik seemed finished with searching Boyd's body and was walking towards her.

His tall figure was full of oppression. He was like a tangible shadow that was about to swallow her.

Bo Li trembled and blurted out, "... Did you see my letter?"

He halted. He didn't speak or grab her neck.

Translator Ramblings: I think Erik was touching her neck because that's where Boyd touched her. Understandable that Bo Li can't tell that Erik's killing intent is purely aimed at Boyd though. This just my speculation though. Who knows what Erik is thinking.

I like the detail of Boyd pushing the blame (his cut finger and Trique's death) onto Bo Li. It shows how cowardly he is that he doesn't dare to blame Erik, the real culprit, even in his thoughts. He might have had a sliver of a chance at survival if he had appealed to Bo Li with money or information, but he thinks so little of women that he can't conceive that she is smart enough to influence Erik.

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