How to Stop the Villain - Ch 037

How to Stop the Villain from Going Crazy
Translator: Fuyu

Chapter 37 - Perhaps, it was because animals used their scent to mark their territory (1)

The mood seemed to have subtly changed.

Bo Li didn't know if this was good or bad. He had gained further awareness that she was a woman. It was probably a good thing.

Although he was cold-blooded and ruthless - she had seen him rip someone's head off without hesitation, he had an oddly gentlemanly manner towards women.

After she had changed into women's clothing, he never roughly pulled her hair or choked her. Sometimes, he would even help her into the carriage.

She was very regretful that she didn't wear a dress from the start. She suffered for no reason!

She wasn't worried that he would have other thoughts about her once he fully realized the differences between men and women.

He was too young. Actually, how old was he?

She never noticed the existence of his age when she was with him. His inhumanly cold temperament and his terrifying intelligent brain couldn't be generalized to any age.

Bo Li even suspected that with his personality, he wouldn't have the hormonal impulses of adolescent before meeting Christine

Moreover, he didn't treat all women favorably.

Whether it was in the original work or the horror movie, he was quite cruel to Carlotta, simply because her singing didn't meet his standards.

Bo Li had a clear understanding of herself. She could sing, had attended a musical theater summer camp, and occasionally played minor parts in those small-scale performances at stadiums.

Her singing was okay, but it was definitely not at a level that could impress music masters.

Moreover, Erik's talent was far beyond that of a music master's.

In the original work, Garnier invited him to participate in building the foundations of the Paris Opera House, and Erik built a lakeside residence within the two layers of the retaining walls. The lake served as a natural barrier, and within his residence, there was an ever-changing torture chamber.

Many people went in to explore, but no one returned alive.

He was the best music master, best architect, and best magician in the world. She didn't know what other fields he had mastered, but she knew that the possibility of such a person falling in love with her was next to nothing.

It was a miracle that he didn't kill her. It was too difficult to get him to fall for her.

Erik was still looking at her legs.

He didn't seem to know that this was a rather rude behavior or that he was looking at her like a cat watching a bird, which was rather unsettling.

Bo Li cleared her throat. "So… can I take the day off?"

It was only then that he stopped his staring. He lowered his eyelashes and nodded.

That unsettling look disappeared.

Bo Li thought it over and said, "Although we can't watch the show today… I can still accompany you."

"Accompany me?"

Playing cards seemed to be the only possible indoor entertainment activity at this time. She had a few movies saved on her phone, but she couldn't take her phone out to show him. Even if she could, it would consume too much of the battery to watch movies.

"Read books, listen to songs, have a meal together… As long as you're happy, anything is fine."

In less than ten minutes, Bo Li regretted her offer.

His presence was too strong. Even if he wasn't speaking, he was impossible to ignore.

He was sitting next to her with his legs crossed and his head lowered to read a book.

Bo Li was lying in bed with a blanket wrapped around her. He was clearly focused on reading the book and not even looking at her, but she felt invaded by his aura.

She felt uncomfortable, so she simply sat up and tried to find a topic. "Let's talk?"

His eyes remained fixed on the page, and his tone was calm. "Talk."

"You've never asked me where I'm from."

He didn't answer as if he thought that question wasn't worth asking.

"I know so much. Aren't you curious?

He flipped a page.

Bo Li had originally only wanted to break the awkward silence, but his indifferent attitude stirred up her competitive spirit. "Don't you think I have a wealth of wide range knowledge?"

He finally spoke. "Do you?"

Bo Li: "..."

She had wanted to tell him information that he wouldn't know to startle him, but the 19th century was too close to the modern era. Two industrial revolutions had passed, and all the essential inventions had been invented. Einstein was already born.

It wasn't like she could say E=mc^2.

The formula looked simple, but the simpler the formula, the more it needed extensive complex theory and experimental data to support it.

Before she could surprise him, she had already exhausted her brain cells.

Bo Li angrily lied back down. "Forget it."

Erik's chilly, low voice sounded. "Your knowledge is indeed broad, but it isn't deep. It's hard to imagine what kind of education you received."

Bo Li: "..." Compulsory education.

Sigh. Should she feel grateful that he said so much?

She didn't know if it was her imagination, but she felt the air between them wasn't as tense.

She really wanted to ask him; do you still want to kill me? But, she was afraid of ruining the current peace.

As if noticing her gaze, Erik raised his head and looked at her.

Compared to when they first met, his eyes weren't as empty and lifeless. There was an unusual warmth in them, but if she looked at them long enough, he still gave off a strange sense of inhumanity.

Should she ask?

It was rare to have a friendly atmosphere. If she didn't get a guarantee from him now, it would be difficult to get it later.

Bo Li's heartbeat gradually slowed down and became heavy.

She took a deep breath and asked, "... Can we be considered friends?"

No response.

He looked at her. His white mask hid his expression.

Not knowing his attitude, Bo Li felt a sense of foreboding.

"Never mind…"

He interrupted her, "Continue."

Bo Li could only bravely say, "If we're friends… can you stop threatening me?"

Translator Ramblings: I find it cute that Erik pretends to be absorbed in reading a book. I think he's deliberately succinct in his speech to limit how much she hears his voice.

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