How to Stop the Villain - Ch 021

How to Stop the Villain from Going Crazy
Translator: Fuyu

Chapter 21 - He wasn't worried that he would get addicted to this sort of interaction (1)

The next thing that Bo Li saw was Erik flicking his wrist, and the rope suddenly wrapped around the manager's neck as if it was a living creature.

The manager's pupils suddenly dilated. He didn't expect that the rope could reach him when he was on a horse. He reached for his gun-


The manager's neck broke, and his head drooped down at a ghastly angle. His body fell to the ground with a thud.

As if they had been woken from a dream, the guards hastily drew their guns to fight.

Before the first gunshot landed, Cesar turned around and ran away in fear.

Flustered, Bo Li could only tightly hug the horse's neck and pray that she wouldn't fall off.

The sound of the gunshots didn't stop and was mixed with incredulous curses and blood-curdling screeches. The guards seemed unable to hit Erik.

Sometimes, they clearly had a good shot at Erik, but ended up shooting a fellow guard.

Hearing this, Bo Li felt a chill run down her spine. She made the right bet and guessed right.

As the protagonist of a horror movie, Erik not only inherited the outstanding wisdom of the original phantom, he also possessed supernatural powers. In the history of horror movies, many killers had amazing recovery abilities. Even if they're shot several times, they can still stand up and leisurely pursue their prey.

If she had chosen the manager, she would have probably lost her head on the spot. She escaped from death again.

After an unknown time passed, Cesar finally stopped frantically galloping. It snorted heavily, walked to the river, and began to drink.

Bo Li was originally going to take the opportunity to slide off the horse, but when she saw how deep and dirty the mud was on the riverbank - it almost reached the horse's knees - she decided it was better to stay on the horse's back.

She didn't want to use her feet to test what was under the mud.

As the fog dissipated, the dark night gradually disappeared, and a ray of blue and red morning light seeped through.

The last blood-curdling scream sounded, and the one-sided massacre finally came to an end.

Bo Li followed the direction of the sound and saw Erik walking towards her as night turned into day.

His white mask was soaked with blood. The usual emptiness and indifference in his eyes was replaced with unprecedented excitement as if he had just experienced a very enjoyable hunt.

No, that wasn't right either.

As soon as Bo Li met his eyes, she felt goosebumps all over. Alarm bells went off in her head. He wasn't done yet. He wanted to continue.

She clutched the reins. Her back felt cold and clammy.

If she knew how to ride a horse, she would have instinctively urged the horse to run as soon as she saw him.

Intellectually, she knew that she didn't have to be afraid of him. If he wanted to kill her, he would have snapped her neck hours ago. There was no need to keep her alive until now.

However, who can control their visceral horror?

Bo Li could only take a deep breath, dig her nails into her palms, and keep her body steady so that she didn't fall off the horse.

Cesar had been snorting impatiently and stomping its hooves in the mud as if it wanted her to dismount and brush its hair and clean its hooves.

But, after it saw Erik, it immediately quieted down and pretended it was busy eating grass.

Bo Li thought the horse was a bit too smart. She really wanted to slap it.

At this moment, Erik reached her side.

Bo Li felt tense. She couldn't help thinking he was going to drag her off the horse and stab her throat to make up for not enjoying himself to the fullest during his hunt.

Fortunately, that was just her imagination.

He very calmly got onto the horse, grabbed the reins from her, turned the horse's head, and headed towards an unfamiliar direction.

Bo Li didn't know where he wanted to go and didn't dare to ask.

The fog had completely dispersed, and the sky was getting brighter.

After she was sure that Erik wasn't going to kill her, she felt a bit sleepy. She wanted to stop caring, just close her eyes, and never wake up again.

Suddenly, a hand reached into her pocket.

She jolted awake.

It was Erik's hand. He stuffed a wallet into her pocket.

Bo Li took it out, turned her head, and asked, "Can I see what's inside?"

No response.

That was a yes then.

Bo Li opened the well-made wallet. There were currencies from various countries inside. This was probably the manager's wallet. He probably prepared currency for several countries because the circus would go to different countries to perform. There were pounds, dollars, francs, and even a few gold coins.

She didn't know how much this was worth, and Erik wasn't willing to talk to her.

If she wanted to survive in this era, she had to make a few more friends. The type of friends that would teach her the basic common sense of this era.

In the end, Bo Li still fell asleep on the horse.

When she woke up, she was in a simple tent. The tent was small and could only accommodate one person. She was lying on a woolen blanket.

The blanket was probably from Cesar's saddle. It smelled of horse sweat.

Outside of the tent, there was a warm fire. There was a circle of stone around the fire to protect it from being extinguished.

Bo Li didn't see Erik around. She and Cesar could only look at each other in dismay.

After a few seconds, Bo Li stood up, and carefully approached it. "Good horse, well-behaved horse, you're the best little horse in the world. Don't move. Let me take that backpack off of you…"

Cesar seemed to be physically and mentally exhausted and no longer had the energy to show any attitude. After glancing at her, it lowered its head and continued nibbling on the grass.

Bo Li gritted her teeth. After using all of her strength, she finally got the backpack off the horse. Her hands shook from overexertion.

This wasn't just a backpack. It was her clean bras, clothes, blankets, shoes, and water. And, the canned beef tallow hot pot that gave her the strength to persist until now.

Bo Li took a deep breath, dragged the backpack into the tent, opened it as fast as possible, and looked for a clean bra.

In the circus, people only took a bath once a week and shared the same tub of water. It wasn't that they bathed together, but that they would use the same water one by one.

Bo Li couldn't accept that. She hadn't bathed in a long time. At most, she would dip a sponge into water and wipe her body.

Although she diligently wiped down her body, she still couldn't avoid the smell of sweat lingering on her body. The environment was too dirty, and she only had a few sets of clothes to change into. The worst was the cloth used to wrap her chest. It was starting to smell.

Now, she could finally change into a clean and comfortable bra.

Bo Li unwrapped the cloth on her chest, used a wet wipe to clean the sticky sweat from her body, and put on a light and breathable sports bra. The moment that she did that, she almost burst into tears.

If she could transmigrate back, she was willing to write a thousand-word review praising how this sports bra saved her from the brink of mental collapse in the 19th century.

In addition to her sports bra, the backpack also contained t-shirts, pants, and a pair of expensive, lightweight sneakers. She planned on changing into them with utmost piety once she found a place that was free of horse manure and mud.

After admiring her clothes, she closed her eyes for a moment. Then, with an almost reverent attitude, she took out a 1,500-gram canned hot pot.

The expiration date was inspiring. It was 36 months away. Even if she was here for three years, she could still have hope in her life.

The ingredient list was simple. The first three ingredients were beef, bone broth, and beef tallow.

When she smelled that familiar smell, Bo Li sniffled and almost cried.

She missed home.

Even now, she hadn't taken her phone out. She didn't want to see that screen showing that internet access was unavailable. She didn't want to face the despair of having a phone and her contact list, but being unable to contact her family and friends.

Bo Li wiped her tears, placed a few sticks on top of the fire, and placed the can on top of those sticks.

Soon, the hot pot began to boil and gave off a strong spicy mouth-watering aroma.

Bo Li broke apart a pair of disposable chopsticks, picked up a piece of beef, simply checked if it was cooked enough, and almost swallowed it without chewing in her eagerness.

The meat was too hot, but it was thick, tender, and soaked in the salty, spicy, and fragrant beef tallow bone broth.

She almost started crying again after the first bite, but this time, it was because of enjoyment. It tasted so good.

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