OOC Villainess - Ch 047

Title: The OOC Villainess and the White Moonlight Heroine are BFFs
Translator: Little Bamboo Spirit

Chapter 47 - So you're also aware there's nothing good about your son except for money, huh? (3)

They tacitly didn't mention Shi Qingyin's matter on the drive back.

Jiang Shuyao had always worried what she would do if the relationship that she struggled to maintain was destroyed. Now that the thing that she was worried about finally happened, she surprisingly felt relieved.

Shi Qingyin had called and texted her many times. She read every message, but didn't reply.

She brought the soup back and told Yue Xia that she could drink it. Faced with Shuyao's big kind eyes that looked like they could be on a makeup commercial, Yue Xia couldn't refuse, so she regifted the soup to Yue Qing.

"This is silkie chicken soup," Yue Xia said, "It's delicious."

Yue Qing was skeptical. "Why are you so attentive? Are you up to something again?"

Yue Xia uncapped the lid and said, "Shuyao made this."

Yue Qing: "... Is this herbal medicine?"

Jiang Shuyao seemed like someone that would be good at cooking, so he thought this was medicinal food with a bizarre smell. He took a sip, and his soul almost flew out of his body. "Yue Xia, you did this on purpose!"

However, although the taste wasn't good, the soup was a guest's kind intention. The four members of the Yue family divided the soup amongst themselves and finished the soup with great difficulty. For the next three days, their burps smelled like silkie chicken.

"Mom," Yue Xia found an opportunity and asked Li Meizhu, "Shuyao doesn't have a place of her own. She might stay here for a long time. Is that okay?"

Although Li Meizhu hadn't figured out the relationship between these two, she still readily agreed. "She's such a lovable child. Our house has plenty of guest rooms. She can stay as long as she wants."

She quite liked this girl. Or to put it another way, there were very few people that could dislike such a well-educated, polite, and gentle girl.

Since his wife had agreed, Yue Deliang naturally didn't have any objections.


Jiang Shuyao visited her mom on the weekend.

Compared to before, her mom was in much better spirits. She was slowly basking in the sun when she came. When she saw Shuyao, her wrinkles smoothed out. "Yaoyao, why are you so skinny?"

Jiang Shuyao crouched down by her wheelchair. Seeing her mom's concerned expression, she suddenly felt aggrieved without any reason. However, that feeling left as quickly as it came. She sniffled and said with a smile, "I haven't lost weight. I even gained 1 kg. I've been staying at a friend's house and eating too well."

Her mom looked astonished and happy. "You're staying at a friend's house? Is your friend a girl? Good, that's very good. It's your first time too. Qingyin doesn't mind?"

Hearing his name, Jiang Shuyao paused.

So that her mother could recuperate without worries, she never shared her relationship troubles with her. But now, she felt a bit confused. "Mom…"

The mother and daughter sat under the shade of a summer tree. Jiang Shuyao slowly laid the matter bare.

The cicadas chirped in the background as they talked from noon to dusk. After Jiang Shuyao finished talking, she looked at her mom. She had been lost in recounting, and her mom had been attentively listening the entire time. Her mom was looking at her with eyes full of pain.

"If I had known this would happen, I would rather not get treatment. Mom didn't know… I'm sorry."

Jiang Shuyao shook her head.

Before she left, her mom stroked her cheek with her warm hand. Her mom's fingers had the smell of the moisturizing cream that she often smelled as a child.

"You've been sensible since you were a child, but I see now that sensible shouldn't be used as praise." Her mom looked at her. "You're my only child. Yaoyao, I want you to put yourself first. Love yourself. You only need to be healthy and happy to fulfill my expectations for you."

After Jiang Shuyao returned to her room, she bawled. Her tears soaked the pillow. The stars were hanging in the horizon. Her eyes were red, and she seemed to have a decision.


The relaxed, lazy, happy days only lasted for a short period before trouble came knocking on the door.

Yue Xia looked at the comment section of her social media account. It had been bombarded with negative comments starting from a few days ago. She dully asked the system: [Although I can expect this outcome, I didn't have any conflicts with Zhuang Xiaohan in the original plot, right?]

The system: [That's true.]

Yue Xia: [Then why does she insist on causing trouble? I haven't even paid any attention to her.]

The system: [She felt that you embarrassed her.]

Yue Xia: [...] How could she be blamed for Zhuang Xiaohan's embarrassing one-person show?

The unreadable comment section had gotten worse.

[Xiaohan's #7 video is talking about her, right? Being the other woman is so disgusting. Ugly people are more likely to act up.]

[Her outfit is hilariously bad. It screams rustic nouveau riche. I've only heard of people looking like they're wearing luxury goods even though they're wearing sacks. She can make luxury goods look as rustic as a burlap bag!]

[Cyberbullying is terrible. Fortunately, I'm the one doing cyberbullying.jpg]

[Are you really a member of the Yue's? How can someone like you be a member of the upper class? Even knockoffs are more genuine.]

[Do her brother and parents know that she's so shameless?]

Zhuang Xiaohan's herd of fans went from her oldest video to her latest one. They left traces of themselves everywhere in the comments. The private messages they sent were even outrageous.

Yue Xia wasn't upset about their obscenities, but that didn't mean she was okay with being insulted like this. Her eyes were a bit cold.

Again and again, she gave the other party another chance, but that only made the other party mistakenly think she could step all over her.

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