OOC Villainess - Ch 042

Title: The OOC Villainess and the White Moonlight Heroine are BFFs
Translator: Little Bamboo Spirit

Chapter 42 - She was scared, scared that person would be there too (1)

When Yue Xia and Jiang Shuyao were leaving, they saw that those girls, who had been sitting in the VIP seats, were gathered at the door.

Seeing Yue Xia and Jiang Shuyao leaving the shooting range, they raised their heads in unison. They looked like a colony of bright-eyed rabbits.

The girls stared at them, but didn't speak. As they walked past them, the girls watched them and elbowed each other.

"You go!"

"I can't."

"Just ask, what's the big deal?!"

"Then why don't you ask?"

Even someone as dense as Yue Xia noticed the girls' oddity, much less a careful person like Jiang Shuyao. Jiang Shuyao paused and hesitantly looked back.

Yue Xia was looking down at her phone and was rather baffled to see that her social media account had gained many followers. And, these followers were big accounts that had thousands of fans. Jiang Shuyao gently tugged her clothes, so she turned to look.

The two groups looked at each other.


Someone needed to step out to save the situation. Taoli stepped out like a heroine from the flustered group. She smiled and said, "Hi, Yue Xia and Shuyao, right? We met before, but you might not remember me."

Yue Xia carefully recollected, but she really didn't have any impression of her.

Jiang Shuyao asked with uncertainty, "Are you Taoli?"

Taoli didn't expect Jiang Shuyao to recognize her. "You recognize me?"

"Mhm." Jiang Shuyao nodded and said with embarrassment, "I was afraid of making mistakes… so I memorized all of the faces on the guest list."

While these three were chatting, the girls behind them were communicating with their eyes.

They were close enough to see the light-colored spot on one of their eyelids. They felt that these two people had very different temperaments. Yue Xia's lips were light-colored, and they couldn't even see her pores. Her eyes were pitch-black. Jiang Shuyao's face looked so small, only the size of a hand.

The most special thing was the shared scent of these two people.

Wang Shiya stealthily took half a step closer and discreetly sniffed, but she still couldn't recognize the perfume brand and what season it was from. It was such a special fragrance. It wasn't pungent or too strong. It was an enchanting, subtle scene that couldn't be overlooked.

Did Yue Xia have friends in the fashion industry? Perhaps, it was a new product that hadn't been released yet.

Yue Xia hadn't put this much thought into it. She just sprayed floral water over Shuyao and herself before they left the house to deter mosquitoes. As a result, Jiang Shuyao was wearing shorts, but her legs were unblemished. In comparison, she was wearing overalls, but the mosquitoes went through the trouble of leaving her six bug bites.

[This is illogical.] Yue Xia resentfully said to the system in grief and indignation. [Why did they only bite me?]

The system had recently gotten obsessed with reading the Diamond Sutra for self-improvement. It elegantly and blithely said: [You deserve it.]

Yue Xia: [...]

Taoli and Jiang Shuyao were talking on the side. Although Taoli was younger than them, she had high emotional intelligence. Although their relationship was awkward, she didn't let Jiang Shuyao feel any discomfort. Smiling, she even made an appointment with Jiang Shuyao to hang out the next time they were free

Before leaving, Yue Xia waved goodbye to the clustered girls and suddenly realized there was something odd.

Perhaps, it was because of the hot weather. A girl with a flushed face was staring at her with bright eyes. Yue Xia hadn't noticed until now. She blurted out, "Why is your face so flushed?"

Wang Shiya was startled at being suddenly called out. Her face really turned red now like a wilted tomato.

Under Yue Xia's puzzled gaze, she straightened up. Since she had already embarrassed herself, she might as well go for it. "Can I… add you on WeChat?!"


After getting into the car, Yue Xia was still lamenting. "Are girls so shy these days? It's just adding me to her WeChat. She acted like she was going to shoot me."

She had scanned the other party's WeChat QR code and was now clicking through to look at her profile. The other person was quite cute, but her profile was rather chaotic. Her avatar was pink, but WeChat nickname had a horse emoticon.

Yue Xia sent her a friend request and then clicked into her Friends' circle.

[Nanji Entertainment, you lost your devoted fan! Selling a lousy keychain for 288 yuan, you might as well go out and rob a money printing machine. What's wrong with you? I'm speechless. [Sweating soybeans emoji]]

[Everytime I see those incredibly ugly actors on TV, I think about the possibility of getting my doorman to make a debut.]

[L&P, I promised to not curse at anyone this week. Sisters, please supervise me.]

[Why don't those stupid boys that blow smoke circles in your face go die? I'll punch them!]

Yue Xia: "..." What was going on? She really didn't treat her like an outsider.

Her friend request was approved within seconds. The other party quickly sent her a new homepage. With a touch of embarrassment, she politely explained that she misclicked the wrong photo in her album. This was her account.

Yue Xia clicked on the link for the new homepage. The first thing she saw was:

[I was fortunate enough to attend the XPP brand's fashion soiree. I've always liked their design concept. Exquisiteness isn't everything. You are.]

Nine photoshopped photos were attached.

Yue Xia felt like she had stumbled onto something that she shouldn't know. She jokingly thought; was Wang Shiya going to send out a hitman to silence her?

Jiang Shuyao was still immersed in the joy of smoothly chatting with the other girl. She was sitting to the right of Yue Xia and carefully holding a heavy thermos. She asked for the third time, "Xiaxia, did I say anything inappropriate?"

Yue Xia shook her head. "Nope. She said she wanted to hang out with us."

Although Jiang Shuyao knew that it was very likely those were just polite words, she still felt happy. "That's good."

For a long time, the only people she talked to were Shi Qingyin's friends. There were times when his possessiveness was out of control, and he wouldn't even let her appear in front of his friends. The few occasional girls that she met were his friends' girlfriends. They frequently changed girlfriends, and their relationships were as short-lived as dew.

Thinking of Shi Qingyin, Jiang Shuyao stopped smiling. She began to worry again. Were his injuries okay? Was he recovering well?

These past few days, she had spent her time with Yue Xia instead of frequently visiting him. It wasn't just because she felt very happy with Yue Xia. There was also a hidden reason…

Jiang Shuyao pursed her lips and gripped the thermos tighter. She was scared, scared that person would be there too.

Shi Qingyin's mother, Father Shi's second wife, Lin Wan.

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