OOC Villainess - Ch 040

Title: The OOC Villainess and the White Moonlight Heroine are BFFs
Translator: Little Bamboo Spirit

Chapter 40 - Why did it seem… like she had forgotten something important? (3)

At this moment, there was a grating sound from the gate of the shooting range. The girls instinctively looked over and saw that two people had appeared.

One was a girl with loose black hair and a fair complexion. She wore shorts that clearly didn't belong to her. The waistline had to be tightened, and she kept tugging the bottom of the shorts down as she walked. She would constantly turn around to look at the other girl.

The other girl was wearing overalls and Martin boots. The heels of the boots were at least six to seven centimeters. She was already tall to begin with. With these boots, she reached a height that most people couldn't reach. There were two pairs of goggles carelessly hanging on her fingertips.

Yue Xua tilted her head, "Do you want to go first or should I?"

It was Jiang Shuyao's first time coming to a shooting range. She curiously looked around. "I won't practice shooting. I have to go bring soup to Qingyin later…"

Yue Xia swallowed back the words she wanted to say about Shi Qingyin. Her wide smile didn't change. "Come on, give it a try."

Jiang Shuyao shook her head. She was resolute. "I'll forget if I start playing."

Yue Xia's logic was impeccable. "If you can forget, then it means he's not that important."

Jiang Shuyao couldn't refute her logic.

Over on the side, Taoli quietly said in surprise, "Ah, is that Yue Xia and Shuyao? Their relationship is so good. It's a workday, and they drove here together."

Zhuang Xiaohan's face instantly turned as green as an old cucumber.

With the truth in front of them, it showed that her specious words were just nonsense. It couldn't be more embarrassing.

Fortunately, everyone's attention was on Yue Xia instead of her.

To be honest, if Taoli hadn't said Yue Xia's name, the other girls wouldn't have connected the girl in front of them with the person Zhuang Xiaohan had been talking about.

When the beauties in photos and videos were separated by a screen, one could carefully observe them. The advantages and disadvantages of their facial features could be analyzed. Every minute aspect could be praised or critiqued. However, when people saw Yue Xia and Jiang Shuyao in person, only a few fragmented praises would come to their mind.

So tall, so thin, so much hair, so white, so good, so pretty. Both of them.

Yue Xia had already seen them when she was coming up. When she looked around, other than a discontented Zhuang Xiaohan, she didn't recognize anyone else. Still, the sight of a group of girls gathered together and looking at her was cute, so she waved at them.

And then, she received a bunch of waving in return.

Rewind a bit. Jiang Shuyao had trouble sleeping last night because she had forgotten about Shi Qingyin. She was going to tell Yue Xia that she had to go visit him today and apologize, but Yue Xia was so excited. She could only accompany her here.

By now, she didn't object to wearing Yue Xia's clothing. It was good to save money. When they were leaving the house, she saw Yue Xia eagerly putting on her Martin boots.

She couldn't resist asking, "Won't you be too tall if you wear those?"

Yue Xia was already very tall. If she wore the boots, she would go straight to 1.8 meters.

Yue Xia was puzzled. "What's wrong?"

"If you're too tall," Jiang Shuyao said, "boys might feel pressured."

That's what her teachers used to say.

"Just pressure?" Yue Xia was relaxed as she finished putting on her boots. She stood up from the ground and cackled like a witch. "I want them to feel inferior."

Jiang Shuyao could only watch her theatrics. "Alright…"

Seeing that Yue Xia had no intention of putting on makeup before leaving the house, she began to think putting on makeup was a hassle too. They cleaned their faces and touched each other's face. They both felt that the other party's face was as smooth as a peeled hard-boiled egg. Full of satisfaction, they strolled out the door.

"Her legs are so long…"

"Is that Shuyao? They both look so pretty."

"Are they here to practice shooting? Or did they come here to wait for someone?"

These girls were used to exquisite and extravagant places and were well-versed in social etiquette, but their first reaction was:

"They can wear each other's clothing… I'm so envious."

Zhuang Xiaohan's face changed colors. First, she was ignored by Yue Xia, and now, her friends were ignoring her too. She gritted her teeth in anger, and her eyes were flushed red. She turned around, picked up her purse, and left with a sour face.

She deliberately stomped as she left lest others didn't know she was angry. Everyone turned and saw her angrily leaving. They couldn't help but feel perplexed.

She had spread so many nonsensical rumors, and they nicely didn't expose her lies. So why was she still angry?

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