OOC Villainess - Ch 027

Title: The OOC Villainess and the White Moonlight Heroine are BFFs
Translator: Little Bamboo Spirit

Chapter 27 - Don't curse yourself to die young (2)

"How much can you earn as a crappy art teacher? The cost of a piece of clothing that I buy for you is more than a month of your salary." Shi Qingyin impatiently asked her. "Let me ask you something. Today is my birthday. Did you prepare anything for me? Do you care about my feelings?"

Jiang Shuyao's lips slightly moved. She met the surprised gaze of the person next to her. The tips of her ears were red. She quietly said, "... I'm sorry."

Things happened too quickly. This was the first time that Yue Xia witnessed the two protagonists arguing. She was stunned. [System, how can he be so self-confident?]

After all, other people had reasons and justifications when they erupted in anger. His argument from beginning to end was completely unreasonable. It spiked her blood pressure. She wanted to go over there to shut him up.

The system was heartily eating popcorn. [The task is already halfway done. Keep arguing. Come on, who's going to throw the first punch?]

Shi Qingyin still wanted to speak, but Shi Yunjian said in an authoritative tone, "Enough, quiet."

Perhaps Shi Qingyin finally noticed the awkward expressions on his guests. He tsked. The anger on his face didn't subside yet. He perfunctorily said, "Thank you for coming. Let's get together another time."

After tossing those words out, he pulled Jiang Shuyao to leave with him. He glanced at Yue Xia.

It should have been an intimidating glance, but that look combined with the unfaded slap mark on his face gave off an indescribable comedic feeling. It was unknown if the others laughed or not, but Yue Xia and the system laughed together.

Shen Yu and the other two heard things they shouldn't have heard. They slipped away as if they were fleeing for their lives. Yue Xia continued to sit by the pond.

Shi Yunjian was disturbed on his day off and was forced to watch a couple quarreling. He probably wasn't in a good mood. He turned around with a slightly unhappy expression and suddenly met her gaze.

Yue Xia smiled at him.

The water was babbling, and the gentle breeze was blowing. They were the only two people left in the small courtyard.

After a long silence, Shi Yunjian hesitantly said, "Umm, aren't you leaving?"

"Nope." Yue Xia sat there like a well-behaved child. She amicably smiled at him. "I'm waiting for Shuyao. I have something to say to her."

Her impish attitude was gone. She didn't look like someone that had instigated trouble.

Shi Yunjian had only seen her three times. Each time, there would be a sudden crisis that would leave behind a lasting impression. He usually didn't pay much attention to social interactions and rarely interacted with the opposite gender. He didn't know how to entertain guests, so he nodded and replied, "Okay."

Yue Xia remained sitting. She watched as he took away the cold tea, poured a new cup of hot tea, and pushed the cup back.

The white steam from the tea blurred his handsome face.

[It feels awkward that neither of us are speaking.] Yue Xia said to the system. [Does he have social anxiety?]

The system was busy monitoring the progress of the task. [Then just say something.]

Yue Xia readily accepted the suggestion. She opened her mouth and asked, "Was the milk I splashed on you hot?"

Shi Yunjian's hand paused while putting the teapot down.

The system: [...]

Host, you're a genius at chatting.

Yue Xia stared at him for a long time until he replied back in his magnetic voice, "No."

"Oh." Yue Xia sighed in relief. "That's good."

The system took back its suggestion and told Yue Xia to stay quiet. Yue Xia saw that the tips of his ears were turning red again and agreed that silence was the best course of action. Thus, she slacked off, ordered the system to open WPS, and quickly mentally typed out information.

(T/N: WPS is similar to all-in-one Microsoft Word products.)

The system: [ What are you doing?]

Yue Xia: [Typing up on a document.]

The system curiously looked over what she wrote. Yue Xia listed out all of the bad things that Shi Qingyin had done. Her writing was well-organized and meticulous. It looked at the page number. The document was already in the double digits.

The system said: [... Technology really changes lives.]

Shi Yunjian wasn't used to having people around him. It felt like leaving something unfinished. When he closed his eyes, her existence became even more noticeable.

He could smell a floral and fruity fragrance from her hair and hear her light breathing. He couldn't resist glancing over.

Yue Xia was bored and curling the ends of her hair with her fingers. Every time she let go of the ends, it would bring about an undulating wave.

… Was spending time with him boring?

Shi Yunjian impassively thought for a moment before standing up to leave.

Yue Xia soon saw a shadow. Shi Yunjian calmly handed her a packet of fine particles. Baffled, she asked. "What is it?"

"Fish food." Shi Yunjian turned his head and looked over at the koi pond. He tried his best to sound less stiff. "Do you want to feed the fish?"

Yue Xia: "... Okay?"

Was he trying to amuse a little kid? Could feeding fish be considered entertainment?

She increasingly couldn't understand this hidden character.

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