OOC Villainess - Ch 013

Title: The OOC Villainess and the White Moonlight Heroine are BFFs
Translator: Little Bamboo Spirit

Chapter 13 - You just said all that as an excuse to go watch pole dancing, right? (1)

Yue Xia's visit to the party was quite fruitful.

Not only did she complete the task in a strange way, she also successfully changed other people's impression of her. They went from thinking she was a crazy woman to a somewhat strange woman. That was an improvement of sorts.

When she returned home, Yue Deliang and Li Meizhu were already there waiting for her. After she and her parents looked at each other for a long time, Li Meizhu squeezed her arm with a distressed look. "Xiaxia, it's only been a few months. How did you become so terribly thin?"

On the side, Yue Qing said with a lukewarm attitude, "Is someone that can swing down to the ground floor from the fourth floor considered too skinny?"

With such terrifying core strength, didn't she have an excess in muscles?

After Yue Xia felt Li Meizhu's overflowing maternal love, she faced Yue Deliang's bright eyes. After staring at each other for three seconds, Yue Deliang finally forcefully and resoundingly said, "Definitely need to eat more supplements."

Li Meizhu quickly turned around. "I remember we haven't finished eating deer velvet antler…"

"Hey." Yue Qing looked a bit displeased. "I've been the one taking care of her. How could she have been eating poorly with me watching her?!"

No one paid attention to him. He was a bit pitiful, but Yue Qing seemed used to it.

Their parents separated and disappeared off to who knows where to find the unlucky deer velvet antler. Yue Xia and Yue Qing looked at each other in dismay. In the end, Yue Qing randomly found a topic. "You went to see Zhuang Xiaohan's place?"

Yue Xia was speculating how this family usually got along and answered without much thought, "Yeah, do you know her?"

"She calls me "ge" every sentence. It's hard to forget her." Yue Qing crossed his arms. He saw Yue Xia taking off her sneakers in the foyer and slightly raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Doesn't she loathe you?"

Why was his sister still dressed so… normally? He had thought Yue Xia dressed normally at the engagement party yesterday because she was too upset and wasn't in the mood to dress up. It was considered weird for Ye Xia to dress too normally.

Yue Xia thought of Zhuang Xiaohan's shaking baby fat when she was running away and smiled. " How come she doesn't call me jie?"

(T/N: Ge as in older brother and jie as in older sister.)

"What are you thinking?" Yue Qing frowned. "She's older than you."

Yue Xia: "..."

Eh? What?

She was so immersed in feeling shocked for the first time that she didn't hear Yue Qing's following sarcastic words.

"But you're really quite brave… you're clearly not familiar with anyone at that party." In fact, saying that she wasn't familiar with anyone at the party was being tactful. His original meaning was probably that she didn't have any friends.

Yue Xia finally finished digesting information. She raised her head. "Hmm?"

"What's there to hmm about?" Yue Qing straightened up from leaning on the wall and unhappily said, "Don't go to that sort of occasion next time. That's just making things difficult for yourself. If something happens, I'll have to clean up after your mess again."

Yue Xia responded, "Oh."

"..." Her unusually obedient response gave Yue Qing chills. "Just oh?"

"I got it." Yue Xia sweetly smiled at Yue Qing. "After all, Older Brother gets worried when his little sister goes out alone. I'll definitely let you know next time!"

Yue Qing: "?"

Yue Xia heavily lowered her head and said. "Does Older Brother feel lonely because you were left alone at home? I'm sorry."

Yue Qing, who felt like he had been struck by lightning: "..."

It felt like his sister was possessed! So saccharinely disgusting, ugh! Help!

Yue Xia left behind Yue Qing, who had been hit hard, and went back to her room while humming a ditty.

As soon as she closed the door, she called out to the system, who was no longer among the living: [System, are you okay?]

After a long time, the system's mechanical voice finally slowly replied: [I already…]

Yue Xia simply said: "It's my fault."

The system: "?"

It had wanted to angrily scold Yue Xia, but it was stumped for words since she had readily admitted fault.

Did Yue Xia take the initiative to go do the task? Yes. She didn't drive Zhuang Xiaohan away either. She also took the initiative to show goodwill to Lin Shu. She had done everything it asked. It was just that she was a little bit bad about knowing what to say. Emotionally and logically, could it blame her for that? No.

…. But why was it blamed?  That b*stard, it clearly did nothing wrong!

Just when the system was about to question its life, Yue Xia's phone, which hadn't made any sound all day, started to vibrate.

Normally, the only people that sent her messages were family members. Yue Xia curiously opened the message and didn't recognize the name.

【Shen Yu】: Hey, are you there?

【Shen Yu】: Did you not see me today? We were standing nearby and almost couldn't recognize you.

【Shen Yu】: Lin Shu asked me for your WeChat ID. I didn't know you were capable of that. That's quite skillful.

Yue Xia had a headache from this overly familiar. "System, who is he?"

The system: [He's the head of a small group of male side characters. He has a good relationship with Shi Qingyin.]

"Oh." Yue Xia said, "Birds of a feather flock together. He's probably not a good guy either."

The system: "..."

Why are you so good at talking now?!

【Shen Yu】: Want to come to Yexiangqing Bar on Sunday night? Shi Qingyin will be there. He looks like he's in a bad mood lately. How about you come to comfort him?"

【Shen Yu】: I'll share the address. Come to Room 101 on Sunday night.

Yue Xia clicked on the address that he shared. This bar didn't look ordinary. The per capita consumption was a minimum of one thousand yuan, and the tickets to enter the bar were hard to get. It was a very suitable place for rich, young men to put on a pretentious display. The well-crafted promotional webpage had details of various events. Her eyes paused on a section.

(Annual Men's Pole Dancing Party. We're recruiting an audience. Only two VIP seats left…)

The system: [Huh?]

Yue Xia: "Hmm?"

The system: [What are you looking at?]

Yue Xia: "Oh, nothing."

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