updating around 9:25 PM EST
Monday to Friday
If you want to use our translations to translate any of these novels into another language, feel free to do so. No need to ask. But, please don't post our translations on Wattpad or anywhere else. Thank you!
Raw chapters have been split into parts and renumbered to simplifying linking and my excel schedule. For example, I renumbered the chapters so that Chapter 1 in raws = Chapter 1 & 2 in translation.
If you want to comment and don’t want to make an account for Disqus, you can just fill in a random name and a made up email account like and check the “I rather post as a guest" box. No email confirmation required. Guest comments are sometimes automatically sent into moderation (I’m not sure what Disqus’s criteria is for that). I’ll try to approve them within 48 hours when that happens.
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Want to read ahead? Advance chapters are available on Patreon.
Little Bamboo Spirit
Fringe Fauna: aliases include Fringe Alpaca, Fringe Manatee, Fringe Capybara, and Fringe Iguana